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07-04-2015 01:48 AM
Since I have been away, early this week...(except for a few replies/other forum(s), I suppose I will go with beastielove's last response-ref: progress from that monday app't. -beauty 'j'-<
Thank you for posting beastielove. I am reading that you appear to know the most recent updateas stated....the meds seems to be helping. I certainly hope this continues on. I can catch up in about 1-2 days.
...also, I am learning that your mother needs constant supervision? I apologize for not asking about Goldie. IS SHE STILL with you and how is her condition? She was more of an outside kitty but stayed close to home, I believe?
Back to your mother, having Alzheimer's is a full time devoted labor of love. I DO understand how very much you love your mother and truly was blessed to be one of the few to have a loving mother- daughter relationship. Your sister appears to be wonderful in taking on... as the caregiver. There are facilities for 'A''s disease and nothing else, then there are so called nursing homes that are just..` that.
I am understanding (hopefully) why your sister insists that mom is home and she is close by. Of course situations change, so if this does, I hope she is able to be cared for by real professionals who understand this condition.
Again, how is your situation, now?
07-05-2015 01:52 AM
I posted to you, beauty 'j' sometime late Friday or early Saturday, via a post under Beastielove...asking- just asking/ concerned.
Today I am going back 6 days when you told of your mother's failing health -[sister's home- sister being main caregiver] and 'MOM'taking a fall hard enough to show bruises.I agree that 'mom' would be in a safer place with constant care, not that your sister is not doing her best. This could have occurred during the hours when everyone was asleep. I know that this is very stressful not being there to help out.
I am wondering firstly if your once show of hives is still gone, via meds? Latest/ last app't/ doctor follow up. You can leave this alone in not answering back, then I have a better idea that this is not a good time- period.
Now I can put the pieces together; actually wondering if this is more than a heavy weight, stressing, more than it was when she lived with your brother.
Instead of guessing from six days ago, I will wait, along with the other friends of yours to hear back. If this is too much to handle at this time...we certainly do understand.
...*I had thought that the skin issue was one last thing to be on your mind. It doesn't appear that is the case, though.
Can tell you this: 'if the spots, hives or welts do reappear, as I mentioned days ago, then the meds will have to actually leave your body on its own. It could be the higher dose DID the trick having received rash relief and the lower dose that was changed was not strong enough to calm this entire chemistry body/weak immune system to a halt. I hope I just guessing without much to go on.
I have definitely seen this very same thing in other patients. Was the silver ointment of any help? ....thank you for reading.
07-05-2015 10:02 AM
Hi beastie&Naes,
Sorry I didn't get back to you but I have been pretty sick. I was doing much better then as the prednisone was decreased the hives and welts came back and worse then ever. I almost went to the ER last night.I was screaming in pain,they went from the neck down,massive huge red welts. I put myself back on the higher dosage of prednisone and they are starting to ease up. I am not going back to the Dr till Julyj 13th and at that time will insist he do further bloodwork and see what we can do about this.Its not food,nor stress. They just come out whenever but I do notice if I am warm they get worse so heat and sun have bad effect on me.
My Mom is doing better thankfully,for how long we don't know but she is better and said she wants to stay with CIndy for now,no home.Goldie is doing great,so healthy and such a sweet girl I wish I could post her picture here but don't know how. I love her and would love to bring her in but the vet said to not even try with Cookie.Luckily she stays out of trouble and I am thankful for that.
I truly appreciate the commments and prayers.I don't think I have been this sick with my lupus since my teens.
Nohing but prednisone gives me relief. I tried everything,they are not normal hives,they don't respond to histamines or the colliadol silver.
07-05-2015 09:14 PM
Hi beauty,
I am saddened to read about your being so sick. You are in my prayers my friend. I hope so much that you find relief from your pain. Know that you are in my thoughts each day, and if prednisone helps, then that may be what you need. I have very dry eyes, and they stay inflamed, some days more than others. I have to use Lotemax eye drops at times to get relief. Lotemax is a steroid, and can cause cataracts, and or raise the pressure in eyes. It is what it is. Take care, give Cookie hugs, and I am glad your mom is better.
07-06-2015 01:49 AM
I have read this four times.
Do you think that you will be able to continue on with prednisone at its highest as Dr. permits until the 13th?
I had no idea that you were this ill from lupus(??)..... or what?
Always knew from all your older posts about how the heat intensifies your condition but not at this level, along with this mysteriously bout of hives. I know that you are aware of an Allergist? I will get back to you later on monday's afternoon. Are the hives becoming smaller with the standard dose of meds?
Also, does the Dr. know that this is once again the SAME. The palpitations. Again?
Cool baths, fans, no dairy, no gluten, loose cotton clothing, no sunlight shining towards you, no artificial coloring in drink or foods. Has any of the cremes helped any? If worse- / E.R.
Could be infection.
07-06-2015 09:00 AM
@beauty junkie wrote:Hi beastie&Naes,
Sorry I didn't get back to you but I have been pretty sick. I was doing much better then as the prednisone was decreased the hives and welts came back and worse then ever. I almost went to the ER last night.I was screaming in pain,they went from the neck down,massive huge red welts. I put myself back on the higher dosage of prednisone and they are starting to ease up. I am not going back to the Dr till Julyj 13th and at that time will insist he do further bloodwork and see what we can do about this.Its not food,nor stress. They just come out whenever but I do notice if I am warm they get worse so heat and sun have bad effect on me.
My Mom is doing better thankfully,for how long we don't know but she is better and said she wants to stay with CIndy for now,no home.Goldie is doing great,so healthy and such a sweet girl I wish I could post her picture here but don't know how. I love her and would love to bring her in but the vet said to not even try with Cookie.Luckily she stays out of trouble and I am thankful for that.
I truly appreciate the commments and prayers.I don't think I have been this sick with my lupus since my teens.
Nohing but prednisone gives me relief. I tried everything,they are not normal hives,they don't respond to histamines or the colliadol silver.
My heart truly aches for you and wish that there was some "miracle" drug that you could take which would totally aleviate all of the pain that you've had to deal with for so many years. Glad that your mom seems to be somewhat better considering her condition and that Goldie is feline fine. Hopefully she's being a good kitty and is staying put and not wandering about the neighborhood.
All of my children have paws =^..^=
07-07-2015 12:58 AM
Hi Tissyanne,Naes and beastie,
Thank you all so much for checking up on me. Not doing too well. Even on the prednisone I have some of the rash again.The Dr wants me to take this drug called IMuran. Naes you probably are familiar with it. I don't want to take it but I may have too. I am not going to the office till Monday. I have had enough for now.Apparently this is a very bad flare and possible all the stressfull things that happend in my family triggered this,we don't know but I do know the intense heat and sun make everything worse.I am just happy right now the rash is tolerable and the palpitations are not bad so thats my good news.I really appreciate all of you and your prayers. I haven't slept much at all due to the prednisone so if I have a million typos or make no sense its because of the lack of sleep.I had a pretty good chat with Mom today ,she was a bit more lucid.I will take whatever moments like that we get,,very grateful.
Thank you all again and Cookie and Goldie are doing well,they send their love.
Naes I wouldn't be surprised if Pal's disappearance was the start of my flare,then my brothers accident,the passing of my MIL,and even more incidents.Do you still think about Cream and wonder where he is? I do all the time with Pal. I had a bad dream and saw him in it and he was badly hurt.I almost think he apperaed to me to let me know what happened,I woke up screaming.
07-07-2015 03:24 AM
Sending gentle hugs your way, beauty 'j'.....I'll take the good news from you first. It is so sweet of you to let me/ us to know that you actually were able to speak with your mom and knowing she was in a real life state of mindset. How glad for both of you to have had this blessed opportunity. Can not tell you how grateful that "I" am to hear this. Alzheimers' patients do drift in and then drift out...sometimes they stay as you said lucid for a long time. I knew of a good friend (husband's friend from employment) whose wife had Alz. for over 7+ years and had flare ups for a few months and then totally was another person-(to the family), then came back very strong. I had several conversations with her throughout this entire health episode. Her husband (mid 60s- (she lower 60s) went for over 12+ years staying at home with little supervision (while husband was at work). He took full responsilbilty of her needs. She did not become {off} until she was i am guessing until she was in her mid 70s and then she came back then was not there. How he managed in the end (9 months) was to actually be 100% caregiver, she dying at around 76 and he at 84. I, along with my husband went to the funeral. My husband called Ralph almost every 4 days then he would call my husband for -just to talk-. It was something he claimed to be his goal and did it. Not everyone can handle a simple asthma attack case for their spouse or s/o. I applaud your sister! want to tell Beastielove and Tissyanne that they have been more than a comfort. I am always astonished how how many truly do try to help each other when it is a pet's death, disease or death, and especially when the PL's family becomes very ill -we all have an achor to hold us steadfast to a degree w/o knowing that loved family member. Understanding that this is more for the pets than humans...still I regonize the compassion that hits home.
Do I still think of Cream? Yes, every day. My husband brought up the subject again last week ..wondering if maybe a wild animal had wounded him or if he lay on a road dying hit by a car. He totally broke down. I became very hot all over and started to become so emotional thinking someone took him then hurt him. My frustration grew in to anger as I rehashed the entire long months completely over & over. This is not healthy. I was told and I believe this person...not to dwell on the death or disappearance but instead remember all of the real live fun times. It had taken me over 5 years to get to the place when I could listen to music when my mother died. A parent, a spouse, a sibling does not come near to losing a pet. (PLEASE do not belittle me for saying that), because I do UNDERSTAND a 'PET' is the same as a beloved human death if loved and have no one else. I have cried, become physically ill over all of my pets but Cream's being gone with no closure was torture. IF one has CLOSURE to anything we love -be that a pet or beloved family or even a devoted friend, then we know he, she, cat, dog died when we somewhat expected. CLOSURE is the key word in losing and how it comes to an end.
I have said that what you have been through from Buddie to mother-in-law to your health issues -back & forth- sister's surgery, husband's illnesses, then your beloved brother being totally without feeling in all 4 limbs, dying the way of water in his kungs, a fractured cervical neck & sections of his back discs, developing sepsis of the blood, then pneumonia, your hives from the stress, no one to help you, mother being uprooted from her long lived homedstead, your unbelievable pain of lups, fibromyalgia, infusions one after the other, trigger injections, side effects to the meds and battling stress thinking how and what to do ...dear God YES I believe you have had enough to kill a huge animal or several women. I have dreamt of Cream more than I would ever have though. I see him as a vision when I feel the blop on the bed, I think he just ran across the yard, I think I hear him at the side door, I touch his whiskers placed in the Holy Bible and cry. I, too have awoken in a hot sweat after a bad dream of him trying to come to me and I cannot reach out far enough to catch him. Yes, I have gone through all of these same's the NO CLOSURE. I can deal with death. I have helped others through death. I have been in a place where death occurs everyday. I accept death as a natural event that can be expected or come as total shock. It has to happen to each person before they can give out advice. There is no way to try to explain your feeling with someone else's. They have no idea to compare what you have been through versus what they think would compare to yours. YOUR STRESS `OVER ALL OF THIS TIME` MARKS ITS MAJOR REASONS! Time is the greatest healer. I lost my n mother first. I thought I would never be the same functioning woman ever, then before I came here, I lost my father. I was totally crushed. But I had closure and wonderful memories in bit and pieces to hang on to and live by their teachings.
07-07-2015 03:29 AM
This was not the entire message previously done but appreciate the boards to let this much come through. I will rewrite where it I recall [all] said. I will get back to you about the new med. and continue on to the best of my ability. YES, I believe all of this to be the problem. YES YES!
07-09-2015 12:38 AM
Naes I have to say what a wonderful husband you have and what he did for his friend was so kind. That darn Alzheimers is an awful disease and when younger people are diagnosed its really just horrendous and they seem to pass much sooner then when an older person is diagnosed.
I am kind of not in the best of moods as this is getting to me since its 4 months. my appt for Monday has been canceled due tot he Dr has jury duty. I can't stay on the prednisone and the Imuran is not a drug I really want to take but may be forced too.
I htink if I were to move to a cold climate I would feel much better but sadly can't do that so I hope we get a winter this year in FL,it would eb a big help for me.
I am oging to stop dwelling on what happend to Pal and just wait for the day to be reunited owht him again. For me my pets are my kids,I love them as such and I grieve for them as I do for my family.
Thanks so much for everything. I hope I can be in a better mood soon,if I could just feel a little better it owuld be great.
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