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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Beauty, i'm just now seeing this and your other recent posts and cannot even begin to tell you how very sorry I am that you are so sick and knowing Cookie is also having problems. Tears came to my eyes. I want you to know that I immediately said a prayer for you and will continue to do so. I've thought about Pal and I actually miss him. I pray for NAES's Cream and the sittuations of others and all animals. Please know you are sincerely and fondly in the thoughts of your friends here.

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

My first thought, beauty 'j'... if I had not waited to understand ->i.e., the 3rd party/ coming on again...I would have told you to go to the hosp.'s ER. {Trying to wait and know for sure}.

I knew this was becoming much worse and by July's app't time was too long for waiting. I have seen some weird allergic cases but this, to me, is apparently quite systemic. Could be a viral infection-(??)

I still contribute the inj. causing most of the on set.

I failed to ask if your tongue/throat had any swelling.

Usually any allergen (with scleroderma) has to have high dose antihistamine ( rx), then that alone is not always effective. You did the correct thing and more important the best decision. Any stress, yes, would offset the hives, but with the inj. (and we don't know if it was something you have not had before + the former stress that you are still dealing with, adding on love concern of Cookie would DO IT. Right now, I am not thinking of scleroderma unless the 'spots' have turned to a form of scales. Hair loss or spots around & down the neck.

***Yes the predn. will phase out 80% of the intense hives but now I understand why the Dr. took photos. There is a treatment called intense LIGHT that he may have to resort to..ask him about it (after the last of meds are taken), then you will know how this lupus has no mercy. I am here again thinking (have seen) of a condition called  [erythema nodosum ]-associated when medication is given to any patient has "any" type of autoimmune syndromes. Stay out of the light due to photosensitivity. That worsen the condition. I will check back on progress. I am so glad to know that the (maddening discomfort, as you said) prescription is now counteracting the cause temporarily. Always my best to you. Tissyanne and Beastie have been so cordial in their concern. I know all of the pet L. posters are really very hurt that you have being going through so much. I certainly do. And I do understand what you may look like having this reaction . _Naes


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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi beauty...


Just checking in to see how you're doing and pray that the meds are helping to alleviate the pain.


Sending you tons of Get Well Soon hugs and also hope that your beloved Cookie is feline better.



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Wow thank you all so very much. 

Silver Lining its so good to hear from youa nd thank you so much for posting and asking about Cookie and myself. We are both doing ok,could be better but doing alright.

Naes wow you sure have some experience here. I have not had sweeling int he thorat at all,its all the body. I was so grateful that it wasn't on my face,they were brutal but already since starting the prednisone I am 90% better. They are almost all goone,fading and the intense itching and pain has subsided.I am afraid though when I stop in a month if they come back what we will do as I can't live on prednisone. Its making me very hyoer and just has so many die effects but right now extremelt grateful to feel so much better.

My rheumy wants me ot have the heart and lungs checked out and I will when I am over this. I know that the intense heat lately is getting ot me and ths un whoa its been brutal. I had been in remission with the lupus for a long time. Its no fun having Ra too so its joints,tissue,nerves,all of it.

I think I will be ok,hoping. Thanks so much for all your expertise,wow I am so imopressed by all your knowledge.

Hope youa re oding ok. I still pray that for your Cream and that he is with my Pal. I am sill devastaded by his disappearance and now with my Cookie having arthritis it does make me worry abit more but truthfully I don't think thats the reason for  my relapse. I have had way more stressfult hinsg happen in my life.I was just due I gyess.

Tissyanne hope your Sugarbear is oding well,thakns for the prayers.

beastie thank you for thinking about me and Cookie. My baby is doing ok,hoping she will stop limping when she is on the cosequin long enough..I'd much rather have all the pain then have her hurt at all.

Thanks everyone,

beauty junkie

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi beauty, 


I am very glad to read your latest post, and you are much better. Yay! I know prednisone is a miracle drug with tough side effects taken long term. Thank goodness it has made you better already. My son took it, and ate everything in sight. I have taken it twice myself for short periods, but did not get hungry. I guess that I was not on it long enough for that. My daddy took it one time, and he was so happy, and also sure ate while taking it. Powerful drug, but does help in so many situations. Rest easy, and give Cookie a treat from me. 😄😄😄

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Thank you, beauty 'j'......


       ....there is a comfortable relief, for me, in knowing `that you must be` feeling so OH SO Better. I really do understand what you said about Cookie. So beautiful in what you had said when you would take pain or discomfort rather than see your little pet going through  limping You are such a sweet-sweet caregiver. You would have been a wonderful caring mother. I can sense that already. All of the pet care lovers are special people. Some are human mothers, others are those fur babies are loved very much.


I thought, if possible, this would be a safe bet to go visit with mom, since you said she was failing in health so rapidly. Isn't it wonderful that your sister, even though it it a very difficult task, to care for an ailing parent~~~~


The heat (humidity) there would be the deciding factor for any travels. I have been in Fl. and know how powerful the sun is relentless- esp,,,, now through Sept. August was when I was there and ended up with the worse sunburn I ever had.


My husband had to set me in a chair and smear sunburn cream all over my body. Having no knowledge of Fl's sun I thought the wind, from the ocean, would not be as hurtful as the water. Did I ever learn a lesson!


There was a patient who had/ has severe arthritis from the C1 to L4, stenosis of the spine and he has to maintain a regular treatment of cortisone inj. for his pain. He's been doing this for about 3+ years and cannot function without this type of maintenance. He would be (probably) in his 60s. This trauma was from a car incident when he was 30, so now this combined with the aging process is a miracle for him. I have known and see many arthritics going through the same same. Yes, I know the effect from long term prednisone will not be the answer. Sometimes (most of the times) the pred. can ruin the soft tissues surround the spine altogether. Short term is a wonderful solution for someone like yourself. Starting out higher then LO is giving you back some THINK time for the next health step. I know each day the comfortable feeling is something to savor. Sending happy thoughts. As always I will check back. A whole month! We had a neighbor who had shingles. Her treatment, like yours, made her appetite very hardy. Some do- some do not. Happy for you at your relief!.

NAES                        .....catvery-happy:

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi Tissyanne,

So glad you didn't have the bad side effetcs when you took prednisone.The appetite is just one big pain but the insomnia,they extreme flushing of the face,hyperness,Ugh, I hope I own't be on this for too long bud sadly today my hives came back bad.I don't know whats oging to happen.But thank you so much for your kindness and concern.

NAES you brought me ot tears with what you said about me being a good Mother,thank you so much. I am Cookie's Mom and would for sure take any pain and or disease to keep her healthy. I just hope I can get her to stop limping soon.

Unfortunately my hives came back quite bad. I hope as as the days go by they go away but I am so fearful that when I stop the steroids they will never go away. I go back to my rheumatologist July 13th and will see whats next.I was hoping I could see my Mother but theres no way I can travel not knowing from one day to the next what I wil have and also my Dr is concerned about my heart and lungs and insists I see both specialists. I am doing nothing till these darn hives go away.

You are so right about the Fl sun and humidity,its brutal and its only June so I have months too go before relief unless we hit the lottery then I am moving to Vermont,lol.

Do you know of any other meds that can help these things as the prednisone gives me palpitations,awful insomina and if I don't stop myself I will eat everything in the house including Cookie's kibble,lol.Thank you for all your help and being so very kind.Pet Lovers are the kindest most caring people ever and I am beyond grateful for this forum.

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Did you call the doctor about your palpitations? I will try to think of something in a lotion. 

Do you have any idea if you can have an earlier app't?

Let us know how you are doing today, BETTER? Foods: make a diary. 

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi beauty 'j', 


    I did not want you to think I did not understand your question. I did. I could not. 

...... the pharm. for suggestions. Probably will be the same as N's.

Have you ever hear of an allergist? a derm/ for quick appt's? 

How about giving details back to your d? I said this once and stand steadfast on ERs. 

Think about immediately. Still the 17th? No,,,,

Hows your little cat, Cookie doing, now?  I think we all feel your discomfort with hives.


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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi beauty,


I hope this finds you and Cookie feeling better today. I noticed you asked about something for hives besides prednisone. What about Benadryl? There is also Benadryl lotion. I am praying for you and your 😸. 💜