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beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

I'm sorry in being late getting back to you concerning your little fur baby and its arthritis, Cookie, your mother, Cindy devoted care giving to mom, and most important your apparent condition with (what sounds horrible) a rash on face and body..more like welts. You have more than most could the heat there with high humidity. 

I re- read your message and what jumped out at me was that 'it is so hard for Cindy with your failing mother'. That would be beyond stress after everything you have been through. I remember that you had some treatment on inj. ref: steroids not too long ago. I am certainly not in favor of any steroids after two to three. I know ( they help so much) that you have very little to choose from as far as meds are concerned but when steroids build up (not always) some people have horrible side effects to them. Can you explain what the spots /rash looks like? Is it more of a measle type appearance or large hives?

....I remember the Orencia being one of the lastmedication/ doctor's office DX/.

  I agree __the new forum is somewhat a big change and I am trying to learn most of it, but actually it's more like a business format which my husband is used to so I learn from him. It is just not that important to me, other than sharing a few suggestions. I was not on that much with the other. I am pretty darn busy through the day so I am not missing much as I have read from others. BUT! I do ask questions. Have no idea if anyone ever read them...just do a few hit & miss as I see their name, depending on the topic.

 Later on, we may take our discussions to Among Friends so the Pet Lover forum won't be tied up..whatever you think. I want to keep up with your progress. Have you thought about seeing a dermatologist?

 One more question. Is Cindy working and also taking taking care of mom? I know she has a family. I'll get back after the week end.  

 I have no doubt that you must be miserable. As I have always mentioned, you have no caregiver, so your health issues are much  more complexed, especially with your husband health being watched also. I do understand. 



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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi Nas,

Thanks so much for caring about me and my family. I am happy that Cookie is taking her supplement for her arthritis and hope it helps her. Seeing my baby limp makes me so sad but she is doing better.

I am covered inhives right now. They come and go. I saw my dermatologist and he said htis is is not allergies and my rheumatologist has ot take care of me. There is no rhyme or reason as to whehn and why they come and go liek they do but I do know our extreme heat and humidity is not helping.I did the 2 weeks of the merdol pack and they went away but when finished they came back with a vengence.

I go to mr Dr on JUly 13th and will discuss what to do. he wants to try long term prednisone and personally I woukd rather have needles in my eyes,lol.

CIndy is working but applied ofr FMLA and when she needs to stay home with Mom she does. Really MOm is doing badly and basically trying to will herslef o death. I feel she would od better in a facility for ALazheimers but CIndy wants to wait.The entire situation is os sad. They want me to visit but I can't. I am such amess right now,I get hives and welts on my hands and feet. Some are small and round,pink,bright red and the welts look like raides huge mosquito bites. Pianfula nd itch like mad.

I hoep your family is oding well. I still pray for cream and Pal. I was talking to my cousin,a major animal lover about the not knowing what happened and she said that has to be utter he**.I hope they are in Heaven waiting for us.

Tkae care,

beauty junkie

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

This post has been removed by QVC because it contained personal information

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

 Is this removed? I still am able to view it and post. 

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

HI Tissyanne,

   .....I wanted to thank you for your recent reply about your Sugarbear fur baby, and will as always keep all of the pets with any health issues in my prayers. Smiles to you, dear.

      I saw this yesterday very early where some 3rd part poster (who has been d. eleted) or taken to another form. 3rd poster apparently knew exactly what do do for this situation, so I left it alone. I thought I might be able to offer some suggestions, now, when I saw what you are reading.


   I have absolutely no idea what happened to the "3rd" poster. 



Clueless here!

  I did or was able to actually know there was someone right after my post where I mentioned I would be back after the wk -end. This is a very unusual, though.

Thank you for asking. I have absolutely no idea but hope beauty junkie's little Cookie is having much better days. _Naes

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Good Morning NAES and beauty..


Just wanted to send two of my dearest friends lots of hugs and wishes for a very pleasant and peaceful day. :-)

(((((((((((NAES & BEAUTY)))))))))


All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

NAES, When I first read the post from QVC, I thought they were saying they had removed the entire thread. I could still see it, so was confused. I see now after reading your reply to me that someone 3rd party had replied. That post is what was removed. Silly me, I just got all mixed up. 💜💚

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi Tissyanne,

   .....on my out to the shopping center when I came to pc room and check'd on personal emails, then came here for many notifications...seeing yours~ thank you so much for being as confused (to a degree) for this -WHATEVER-     {???}


I actually had seen the P's name with some jumbled addy, then I read where 'b' anwered back innocently, something like this->

  "I will take any info for my situation from anyone..I need some relief".

Then I waited and thought `maybe it's someone who knows` this formum and the posters better than I.

I believe it was a ha kER. I have no idea what the wording was since I closed off. Very early in the am and bedtime.

Strange? I wished ( hindsight) that the complete mess. was something I could write down then call mod. squad. I do not know  exactly when that was taken off. Again I am very cautious. Can happen at any time on any "F".


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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

[ Edited ]

Hi Tissyanne,beastie and Naes,

The post that was removed was from a poster named blankette. She gave me her email address so thats why it was removed but I got her address before they removed it.

I am not in a good way right now. I had to go to my rheumatologist as an emergency today. My body was covered in welts and hives from the neck down and I was in a lot of pain. I am on prednisone again,10 mgs for a week,then 7 1/2 mgs for a week then 5 mgs for 2 weeks. He isn't sure that just a month is going to do it. He actually took pictures of my body as they are that bad. Said I have the antibodies for lupus,RA and scllerderma.I just want some relief as the intesne itching and pain was maddening today but now come the side effects. Headache and hunger.

I think my worrying about Cookie and her limping isn't helping my health any either. My poor baby limps.Her appetite is great and and she can even run but when she gets up she limps. The cosaquin will take at least a month to kick in but I am hopeful it will give my girl relief.

Thank you all so much for asking about my baby girl and me.I'll survive as I always do but I would like to look human again,lol.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

beauty, oh my, I am so saddened to read about your health issues. Please know that I am praying for you and Cookie. I had hives one time that were as big as golf balls, and they were in my chest too. Very scary, and miserable. I believe mine were stress related because I had just had a root canal, and it made me very nervous. I will be watching for updates from you. 💜💙