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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Thank you Tissyanne,


        I have no idea why I could not mention otc's -> this -that & the other? I may have put my experience of allergic meds and that was not acceptable. I JUST do 'not' know WHY. Actually, these would not be as effective (IN MY OPINION) as pred. from the dr. 

There is a hypersensitivity {rare cases, though} to meds that are to be counteracting to others. There is a antihistamine that is newer. My husband has allergies. "Z"



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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Tissyanne and Naes I want tot hank you both os much for checking in on me and Cookie. I am still suffering with hives and will be calling my DR on MOnday. I see no point in staying on the prednisone and still have a rash.

I have tried benadryl,pills and cream with very little affect. I take zyrtec everyday ofr allergies. I don't know whts the cause other then just systemic I believe. My dermatologist had no idea what was going on either.

I am going tot he Whole Foods tomorrow for some stuff that was recommend to me,its called silver something,have it written down and was told to put it directly on the welts.

Naes I wonder what happened to your psot,its so weird her now so we best keep the medical jargon out of our posts huh,lol.

 We are going to get Cookie Science Diet kibble for join issues as she is is so difficult to get to eat the wet food with the cosequin supplement in it and she limps bresking my heart so we will get the food to try also.

Thanks so much for eveythinng,truly.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Registered: ‎09-02-2011

Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Oh so glad that you have the app't for monday. BINGO!

   I know what you are speaking of at Whole Foods.  Could be that can help.  Same post 'thing' as me.  Many. Even heard of this, so I am fine ~

  I did go to my endo. when I had an allergy one year ago for who knows what. Nothing very informative, all was good report for me. It was the Derm that caught my dilemma. 

  Syste. That would and has happened to me and can be again if I build up an intolerance to different ones. The poison ivy & oak is something I am careful in not getting. I had it once from the fur of one of our cats. Hopefully, the little one that I feed has not been through any. So far Kit`tee...{that's her name now} (he- she) has not been in the house. Hope you have a good visit to the Whole Foods later on. I've not been to one.

Thank you for letting us know about your little cat. Hope this new cat food has great cat vit. for the limping. 

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

@beauty junkie wrote:

Tissyanne and Naes I want tot hank you both os much for checking in on me and Cookie. I am still suffering with hives and will be calling my DR on MOnday. I see no point in staying on the prednisone and still have a rash.

I have tried benadryl,pills and cream with very little affect. I take zyrtec everyday ofr allergies. I don't know whts the cause other then just systemic I believe. My dermatologist had no idea what was going on either.

I am going tot he Whole Foods tomorrow for some stuff that was recommend to me,its called silver something,have it written down and was told to put it directly on the welts.

Naes I wonder what happened to your psot,its so weird her now so we best keep the medical jargon out of our posts huh,lol.

 We are going to get Cookie Science Diet kibble for join issues as she is is so difficult to get to eat the wet food with the cosequin supplement in it and she limps bresking my heart so we will get the food to try also.

Thanks so much for eveythinng,truly.

B.J., checking in to see how you and Cookie are doing. I know exactly how you feel about heartbreak when a furbaby is hurting. My older dog is having heath problems and my tears well up every time I think about anything happening to him. I try not to cry in his presence, silly I guess, but you know how animals sense our emotions. Anyway, just wanted you to now that I'm keeping you and Cookie in my prayers. Monday is my brother's birthday so I'm feeling very sad. He and my sister are (were) twins so she and I might have a good cry when we get together for her part of their birthday.

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Posts: 2,245
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Oh, I wanted to ask about the silver med you mentioned. Is it an ointment? I've read something about it but can't remember the details. I think one of the uses is to soothe and heal burns and other skin conditions such as yours. Anyway, the pharmacist can advise you. I've missed it if you have already discussed here. Another med I know something about is colloidial silver which can be used topically as well as internally (but that is tricky). Let us know what you discover.

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Sunday Morning Greetings


beauty... Hoping that your doctor's appointment goes well tomorrow and that he'll be able to find something to prescribe to you to help end the pain and discomfort that you've been dealing with.

Sending lots of Comfort Hugs to you and your precious Cookie.

(((((((((((BEAUTY & COOKIE))))))


silver... So nice to"see" you again! I was so angry when the Q  nuked that wonderful thread that we had on the Beauty board during their "upgrade"therefore causing me to loose all contact with you,Desert Di and Argyll.


Wishing everyone who posts here a very peaceful day. :-)


All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi everyone.

Silver lIning I know how hard today must be for you and I am so very sorry.My brothers birthday will becoming up in August.It doesn't get any easier as time goes by but I know they are in a better place and waiting for us.I hope your dog is doing better but its so hard watching them age and the thoought of someday Cookie leaving me is osmething I can't even think about. 

The silver souverign(sp) is a gel. I found it on Drug I don't have it yet as I am waiting for it. It has great reviews for bites,rashes,whatever. Its worth a try.

My good news is I went to the Dr and didn't have 1 mark on me,nothing. So he feels we are on the right path and to stay on the prednisone for a while. My odasge will be lower starting tomorrow.

Its not an allergy,he feels its all systemic due to the lupus and whatever made it come out out,who knows.It may come back when I am finished with the prednisone,its all a wait and see. 

Tissyanne,NAES and beastie thank you all so mcuh for all your posts and comments and prayers. It measn so much to me. I am so happy to be able to say that tonight I am sititng here with no hives and wlets and no intesne itching.I think they may come back but I am trying to be positive for now.

My distrubing news is my Mom feel while in the bathroom.She is ok but badly brusied her chin. I think she needs to go itno a facility and my sister can't seem to let go. Its too dangerous,Mom needs constant supervision. I have a bad feeling we will lose her soon. Its best for her as she has no quality of life but to lose a parent and a sibling in the same year,been a bad year for my family.Thanks so much for alll the prayers and comments,you have no idea how much it means to me.

beauty junkie


We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi Silver Lining,  I read your post about your dog, and wanted to say that I understand your pain and concern. My 16 year old cat is having problems, and it is very difficult to see her aging. She has lost so much muscle mass, but I love her now more than ever. 


I am saddened to read that your brother's birthday is near. I did not know that he and your sister are twins. Thank you for sharing, and know that other's do care. My daddy passed away suddenly almost a year ago, and the pain is always present in my life. Take care of yourself. 

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Posts: 8,008
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

[ Edited ]

@Silver Lining wrote:

@beauty junkie wrote:

Tissyanne and Naes I want tot hank you both os much for checking in on me and Cookie. I am still suffering with hives and will be calling my DR on MOnday. I see no point in staying on the prednisone and still have a rash.

I have tried benadryl,pills and cream with very little affect. I take zyrtec everyday ofr allergies. I don't know whts the cause other then just systemic I believe. My dermatologist had no idea what was going on either.

I am going tot he Whole Foods tomorrow for some stuff that was recommend to me,its called silver something,have it written down and was told to put it directly on the welts.

Naes I wonder what happened to your psot,its so weird her now so we best keep the medical jargon out of our posts huh,lol.

 We are going to get Cookie Science Diet kibble for join issues as she is is so difficult to get to eat the wet food with the cosequin supplement in it and she limps bresking my heart so we will get the food to try also.

Thanks so much for eveythinng,truly.

B.J., checking in to see how you and Cookie are doing. I know exactly how you feel about heartbreak when a furbaby is hurting. My older dog is having heath problems and my tears well up every time I think about anything happening to him. I try not to cry in his presence, silly I guess, but you know how animals sense our emotions. Anyway, just wanted you to now that I'm keeping you and Cookie in my prayers. Monday is my brother's birthday so I'm feeling very sad. He and my sister are (were) twins so she and I might have a good cry when we get together for her part of their birthday.


My deepest apologies...I didn't see/read this post until this morning (I had seen and read the the one that you posted right after it) and feel so badly about it. Sending out lots of prayers to your precious dog and hoping that he's not in a lot of pain today. I remember when you lost your brother (via the now nuked  wonderful thread that we had on the Beauty forum) and want to send you and your sister lots of Comfort Hugs.

((((((((((COMFORT HUGS)))))))))


A thought....why don't you and your sister get a large bunch of balloons,tie a Happy Birthday message to your brother on them, then let them go. I always do this on my mom's birthday (lost her suddenly 21 years ago) and my dad's birthday (lost him 11 years ago). I watch the balloons float up to the sky and when I can't see them anymore, I smile because in my heart I know that they saw them and got my message.


All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Posts: 8,008
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: beauty junkie , I send my concern for you and the family.

Hi beauty...


So glad you're feeling better and that the meds seems to be helping you. Hope that Cookie is feline well. How is Goldie?


I'm so sorry to learn about your mom. Does you sister feel that she can provide the contant supervision that your mom needs and that the facility won't be able to do this?


All of my children have paws =^..^=