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@NYwoman  He is lucky to have you watching him!. You sound very patient&loving. I rescue ferals and I had a male cat who would drool at the food bowl. My vet suspected oral or respiratory infection and gave me Clavamox antibiotic drops to put in his food. While he was never cuddly after that, he was way less grouchy when feeling better.  Definately let the owners know and ask about getting  his vet's thoughts/advice.

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Sounds like he's drooling because he's happy.



I've had cats that drool when they're happy.



The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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I don't see toys around.   I tried a poll toy and he wasn't interested at all.   I gave him a catnip mouse and he hasn't moved it but he rubs it against his face when I am with him, one of his ways of letting me know he likes me there.   I will try a ball next.  

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I HOPE any friend/client you are pet sitting for for 60 or more days would leave you a contact number.  you are not calling them every day but you have a question.  If I left someone to oversee my pet and they saw something strange to them I'd want them to call me.  He's an old boy set in his ways and his routine has been upset.  You are just NOT his usual staff.  What I'd be looking for is are there big drool spots on the surfaces he frequants when you are NOT there.  Is he drooling ALL the Time?  or just when you show up and he knows dinner is served.  watch him as he eats.  Does he look normal or is he  dropping his food after picking it up or biting down and shaking his head like it hurt? 

I think you are doing the best job he will allow.  He may not be the cuddley type. It doesn't sound like he is seeking you out to attack you ,you're just taking liberties with the " Royal We."  A pat on the head and some pleasant conversation at dinnner may be all he wants.   Cats and Drooling can be just about anything.  My dear boy cat would drool up a storm whenever he was picked up and cuddled. and if no one picked him up he'd wait for you to sit down then hop on your lap wrap his litle arms around your neck and nuzzle you, purring and drooling all the while.  Drove me i miss that little guy.

You can always leave a note for the daughter.

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One of my cats had several adult teeth removed in her first year. She can slobber a bit while I'm prepping her treats. It's just because all the teeth aren't there to form a barrier.

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@Katcat1 wrote:

@NYwoman  My cat is quite spoiled and when I massage her back she purrs so loud that she has a little drool come out.   You should maybe keep some dry food in his bowl so he can snack on it.  I actually feel sorry for him.  He must be very lonely and his owners should have taken him with them.  Shame on them.  Call the owners and let them know what is going on if they even care.

@Katcat1- My thoughts exactly!  They leave him behind for two months?  Even if someone is looking in on him daily, that leaves a LOT of time alone.  What kind of loving pet owner does that?  I could understand if they were going to be gone a week or even if it was an emergency situation, but just because they're at their vacation home???


The poor cat must feel anxious and abandoned.  I wonder how often they do this.  And even more than that, why do they have a cat at all?  Smiley Frustrated

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@Venezia  Yes, I do not understand it.  When I was in the hosptial a few years ago, someone came in to feed my cat and I would call and leave her voice mail messages.  It sounds like they could care less about the cat which is really sad.  They do not deserve to own one.  The lady babysitting is giving the cat more attention.

kindness is strength
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Re: babysitting male cat

[ Edited ]

@Katcat1- There was an item on the national news this past week about a young housekeeper for a couple, who catnapped their cat!  The "lady of the house" kept saying that she was going to have the cat put down.  The cat wasn't ill and is only about 12 years old.


The young woman couldn't take it any more, left a note saying why she'd taken the cat and off she went.  So, of course, the man and woman who "own" the cat have notified police and it's now in the hands of the court.  The young housekeeper has been told she can retain custody of the cat until the hearing.  They showed her with the tabby cat, who clearly loved her.  And why not?  She's the one who takes care of it and loves it.


As you said, some people don't deserve to own an animal; any animal.


(ETA:  And it's the young woman who's spent about a thousand dollars on getting the cat medical attention and tests to make sure there was nothing wrong!  I'd say it's her cat now.)

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The cat allows me to scratch his head and neck for a while .  Then he moves away and lays down away from me.  I make myself available.   

I don't see signs of drool when he is away from me.   He eats normally---no signs of pain or weird behavior.   I even gave him treats in front of me and it was OK, justs makes his usual growling sounds.   

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I shouldn't have read this thread.


This kind of thing drives me crazy.  The cat needs a vet visit to rule out any health issues.


That's all.