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Nycwoman:  I totally commend you for trying so hard and the efforts you are making to care for this cat.  The posters have given good suggestions and I hope some of them work for you.


Of all of my cats over the years (and I loved them all), my previous cat (who is no longer with me) was my favorite.  Why?  Because I really admired her independence.   She was aloof and only did something if she really wanted to, she ignored me if I called unless she wanted to come, would never ever sit on my lap, and in general basically wanted to be left alone unless things were done on her own terms.  However, she would sometimes come up on the seat beside me, pat my arm, and lie down with her head on my thigh.  She was beautiful and I loved her very much, mostly because she had her own personality, knew her own mind, and was so independent.  However, I knew she was happier when someone was there.


I have a feeling that your foster cat is of the same type and it is just his nature to be aloof.  Having said that, he still needs someone to be there, to talk or sing to him, and just needs to have his day filled.  As I mentioned in my previous post, being able to look out of a window works very well for a cat.  Is your boy able to do that?


A lot of cats like to play with a ball (something lightweight, like a ping pong ball that he can toss around) and sometimes that works very well.  Another toy is something on a string with feathers that you gently pull along and he can pounce on.  A word of warning here, though - never ever leave him alone with such a toy, just hide it before you leave so he can't chew on it while he is alone.


Nycwoman:  I am so glad you are trying so hard for this boy.  My heart goes out to him and I hope everything works out well.  Thank you for caring.

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Owner told me that the cat drools when happy and when petted.   Glad he's ok.

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Registered: ‎03-29-2019

@NYwoman wrote:

Owner told me that the cat drools when happy and when petted.   Glad he's ok.









Aaaaand that's what I said in post #12.






The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Just something to think about @NYwoman   In one of your posts you write that he is cross eyed.  If he can't see straight, he may not want to play or he may injure himself trying to play.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise