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Karnerblue, I often think of you and Buddy and say a prayer for both of you.    

{{{{{{  Karnerblue and Buddy   }}}}}}

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Hugs for Buddy and Hope for your family situation.  @Karnerblue

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@tends2dogs wrote:

@Karnerblue  It has been awhile since I have checked on you!  Hope things are going better for you.  I hope that things are better for Buddy and you.  I haven't read an update about his well being lately.  If you still have him, I pray that he is comfortable and having some quality to his sweet life.  I pray that you are having quality in your life, too. 


Take care~

@tends2dogs so kind of you to check on me.  It has been a while and nothing has really changed for the better.  Buddy's health is failing but very slowly.  Honestly I didn't think he would make it this long, but he's a fighter.  He struggles with walking and standing.  His back end is very weak and fragile.  Then the bad eyesight in one eye and his hearing is bad.  The only thing good is his appetite, and I've been told when an animal no longer wants to eat is a real sign.  We went to the vet a couple months ago (husband and I) and while they still seem baffled with his symptoms, they are not really steering us in either direction.  I'm still battling with what to do and I do want both my husband and I to agree on any major decisions.  But he won't ... he does not want to let go.  It's selfish on his part, but that's my feeling. 


Now my Dad's health is failing and a few weeks ago went into the hospital because he was in very bad health.  He was malnourished and dehydrated.  They had to give him a blood transfusion.  They ended up calling in hospice but they did send him home because that was his request in his will.  He is suffering from Alzheimers also.  So with that stress, and I'll be losing my job after 20 years but I just don't know when, and Buddy it's just all been pretty much unbearable.  I know this is life and we all get ****** thrown at us, but I've been looking at my past going back as far as a child and I spend most of my time thinking "what a waste."  I don't want to go on and on.  I know others have been in worse situations.  I'm just sooooo darn tired that I don't even have the strength to cry anymore. 


Well sorry I went on for so long.  You're so sweet to ask about me though.  Heart

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I'm so sorry that on top of everything else you now have to deal with your dad's failing health. Sending prayers his way.


Also sending tons more very special prayers to your beloved Buddy and tons more very special Comfort Hugs to the both of you.





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Re: Update on Buddy

[ Edited ]

It's difficult when the crises pile on all at once -- I understand completely.  When my cat fell seriously ill, a number of other problems, major ones, also happened. 


So I will leave you with a wisdom greater than I could ever convey here, in the words of the author A.A. Milne of Winnie-the-Pooh fame:


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."


 And may I humbly add:  "more loving than you know."

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@Sammycat1 OMG this brought tears.... 


Not that I've stopped sobbing, I'll tell you that years ago my Dad gave me a card with that very saying.  I still have it framed and sitting on my desk.  It's the first thing i look at each day and read it every morning.  You have no idea how much it means to me.Heart


"Never water yourself down just because someone can't handle you 100% proof."
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Karnerblue. I too was wondering about you and Buddy! I know from your posts that times have been difficult for you. I have gone through some times when I felt the same as you but please don't ever give up. You are a sweet caring person and don't let anyone tell you that you are not. My dad had a lot of medical issues and I know how hard that was. It involved so much time and effort but I wouldn't have it any other way. He passed 3 years ago and is so missed. When I went through it there were times where I felt I didn't have the strength. Like you, other things were happening. You will come out stronger after all this. You already ARE a strong women. You are tired I am sure but you will get through it! You need to take some time for you! Thinking of you and Buddy!
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I'm so sorry for all the troubles that you're going through, KarnerBlue.



I know that your pup, Buddy, isn't able to speak (at least not in human language), but I'm sure he's very grateful to you.

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@KarnerblueHeart& BuddyHeart...Just stopping by...Hope you both are doing better!

Sending Prayers Needs

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