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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:




Sorry to have to ask, but please confirm his breed ... thanks.



@Tinkrbl44  He's a German Shepard. He doesn't really respond to anything other than C'mere. 😂

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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name

@Marp wrote:

@Linda0215 wrote:


@Marp wrote:

Instead of a particular singer name how about something related to singing like "Crooner". 

@Marp   OMG I love it!

@Linda0215,  since you mentioned strange noises "Yodel" might also be a consideration.  Lol, have you ever heard someone that can't yodel try?  Certainly a strange noise.

@Marp   You cracked me up with Yodel. 😂. Honestly, I'll look over at him at times and ask "Is that the puppy?"  I don't ever remember having a dog who made sounds like this 😆

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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name

Thank you all for the fantastic and creative suggestions. I just knew this was the place to ask for help. I've written down many of the suggestions and am leaning towards the Irish names, Loki and of course Crooner which I think is really unique. 


Today's short list is either Buster or Logan. Stay tuned.  

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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name



How about Nico or Harry?

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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name

Keep us posted! Your little pup definitely needs a name! He is adorable! 

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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name

Ralph or Ralphieboy

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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name


"Loki" is so cute!! and fits him so wellSmiley Happy Whatever you decide he will be a lot of love whatever his name is!Heart

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name

Ok, here's my last shot at a name.....drumroll please.....




I think he'd like it...Cat LOL

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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name

Roscoe, Max, Buster, Rocky and Blu are some of my favorites 

may good luck be your friend in whatever you do
and may trouble be always a stranger to you
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Re: This Little Guy Needs a Name

Butch!.. short & he knows it already!