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The last bridge

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Yesterday my 19 yr. old last kitty when over the rainbow bridge. She passed here at home..we were just getting ready to take her to the vet for the last time.

She was a beautiful calico shelter cat that was 10 yrs. old when we adopted her..She was DH's lap cat a real sweetheart.

WE are too old and not well enough to take another..If something happens to us..they would end up back in the that's not fair.

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when a cat leaves.jpg

Bless your broken heart, she is still within you.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
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@Jo1313 Very sorry for your loss Smiley Sad

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@Jo1313  I am sorry. Thank you for rescuing an older cat. I understand how u feel about another pet when u r older. I rescued 2 dogs that were on the euthanasia list. I won't tell u that it is easy at my age, however they have a good home and r such good company as I live alone. 

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Re: The last bridge

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@Jo1313.  It's very sad to lose what you know to be your last pet.  I'm on my last two dogs now so I understand.


Perhaps you might consider an aged kitty that just needs a cozy spot to live out her years?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Sincere condolences on your difficult loss. I had a shelter cat I took home when he was 8. Cupid lived to 17 and I can still cry thinking about his passing. I, too, felt I was too old to take in another lovely kitty, lest it be left behind without care if I passed.


Be consoled that your darling calico is happy and safe over the Rainbow Bridge and you will see her again. I hope you and your DH can feel better very soon. Be consoled that many of us know just how you feel and we reach out to send you strengh and sympathy.

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I'm so sad for you and your husband. 


Cat SadHeartCat Sad

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@Jo1313 So very very sorry.  

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@Jo1313  I'm so very sorry. I know this is heartbreaking for you.


Our 17 year old cat is in her last days...makes my heart break.

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Registered: ‎02-02-2021

Thank you..everyone for your kinds words..


I keep telling DH (who has memory issues) that she is with her brothers and sisters and resting together.