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Re: The high cost of vet care

I agree I recently spent over $600 for my two cats to be treated for illnesses.  But I will say I am more impressed with the care the Veterinarians and Vet Techs provide than my own human doctor!!!

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Re: The high cost of vet care

[ Edited ]

@geezerette Thank you.  I sat in my car and cried for them, I knew that their hearts were breaking. They had no idea that anyone did it other than the vet.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
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Re: The high cost of vet care

@We rescue cats wrote:

It is really getting out of hand. I just had a $400+ bill for one of the cats, (plus an urgent fee) but it did include an overnight stay for observation until the test results were in, and medications. Nothing was found, we do not know exactly what was wrong and we are still babying him. I love our vet clinic, when I call they all know us and work with us to get us in and I have faith in the practice. But it hurts the pocketbook for sure.


A few months ago an older gent came in with an elderly dog that had a massive growth on him, it was obvious that the poor dog did not have long and that he was in distress. They recommended euthanasia, when the man asked how much that would cost he started to cry and told the dog he was sorry but he could not afford it but went out to his car to talk to his wife. As I was paying my bill I had them add half of it to our bill if the clinic would waive the other half, my heart broke for the man and for his pup. (they did)

O.K. you made me cry hairdresser is getting a colony of feral cats in

her back yard .. she is an animal lover ... she has a vet that will neuter for

half price if they are feral .... I applaud him for this .. next time I see her

I am going to treat for 2 neuters .... and more when I can .. poor animals ....

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Registered: ‎01-09-2016

Re: The high cost of vet care

@We rescue cats I cried when I read your post.


How kind and generous of you to help out the poor man whose heart was likely already breaking at the thought of losing his beloved fur child.


And to do so anonymously shows what a kind and caring person you are.


You have restored my belief that there are still many people who are angels among us. God bless and keep you. Thank you.

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The high cost of vet care

@DSD2 wrote:

@We rescue cats I cried when I read your post.


How kind and generous of you to help out the poor man whose heart was likely already breaking at the thought of losing his beloved fur child.


And to do so anonymously shows what a kind and caring person you are.


You have restored my belief that there are still many people who are angels among us. God bless and keep you. Thank you.

@We rescue cats 



I couldn't have said it better. ❤️

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The high cost of vet care

Animals go unadopted because they have to live inside and have health care way beyond shots.  So they live on the streets, are dumped, or are euthanized.

And poor kids go without pets.  I'm not sure I see the glory in this.  I know it isn't a popular opinion but that's how I feel. 

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Re: The high cost of vet care

@smoochy I'm not sure that I understand why the vet has to redo the vaccines that your kitty already got.  I sometimes think that one can get a bit carried away with all of the vaccines given to pets particularly indoor pets.


My own dog had very bad allergies most of her life and she was so restricted on what she could eat.  She was fully vaccinated until she got older and we eased up on them.



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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The high cost of vet care

I am happy that I found this thread because I have been outraged by the Vet prices. I had the same Vet X 30 years and she often gave me home remedies and practical advice. She would heart worm test only 1 of my dogs. The bills were not that bad. She sold her practice and retired.

I had another Vet for Chance and Abby, Chance had a neck pain last  year and the bill was around $600, then he got pneumonia and ultimately, I had to put him down. My poor baby. He was 12.5. The cost was another $500, then $900 for his last day at the vet in intensive care and euthanasia. 

I still have Abby and have been contemplating if I want to bring her to that Vet or not. 

I have a new puppy, Cindy and she is 11 months old. I took her to another Vet that is well known in this town. I don't think the prices are any different, still high. Although, when I go to Cindy's vet, I feel the care is more personal. 

I ended up getting Cindy insurance with a discount through my work. It helps pay for accidents and wellness visits. I received $400 dollars back from her spay, and recently she had a vaccine visit x $92 and I got $78 back. I think that insurance has thus far paid for itself and I have a cushion of money around $4000 left if anything happens. I will have to purchase more heartworm medicine soon and the insurance will pay 80% of that. My insurance is through Metlife. It is around $50 per month, but I paid for the year and received another discount. I have been pleased so far. 

I know Cindy is young and the rate is less expensive for a young dog. 

My Abby is now almost 12.5 and I know she is on her last bit of years, if I am luck enough to have her another year or so.

I am contemplating taking her to Cindy's vet but she is established with the other vet. 

I also took out Care Credit which helps a lot because it lets you pay payments over time interest free if paid in full by the end of the time.

Interestingly enough, I have 3 Parrots that regularly have bloodwork and yearly checkups with a Certified Avian veterinarian and their rates are lower than the dogs vets. The avian vet is privately owned and they are avian centric and will do anything to take care of the birds. I have been a customer there for a very long time and have received breaks there too.

I think Vets as well as Dentists are going corporate. The prices are terrible. Also, the price of dog food is way high. 

OK, I have had my little rant about the Vet prices. I was thinking about getting Cindy a friend after I lose my Abby but not sure that I can afford it in the long-term. 

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Registered: ‎05-02-2017

Re: The high cost of vet care


I have multiple pets, and I have been a pet owner almost my entire life.


Yes, veterinarian care is expensive, but that is because medicine has vastly improved. Unfortunately, medical costs have also highly increased. I always budget hundreds of dollars for each vet visit (although I have more or less stopped taking my parakeets, because one vet told me that the bird could die from shock and fright the minute they take it out to examine it, and they are not responsible!).


Sadly, vet professionals have a very high suicide rate, because they have to deal with so much stress with suffering animals, and often irate owners who do not wish to pay (or cannot afford to pay) for the appropriate treatments.


Vets are running a business--they cannot give their services for free--and they may have debt from school, as well as rent, and staff, and equipment expenses.


Unfortunately, constantly euthanizing animals can create mental illness, and suicide may be seen as a way for a human to get away from mental "pain and suffering."


I have known many vet staff, some excellent, and some mediocre. Thank goodness I know a lot now about pet medical treatment and I am willing to seek out the best services. I try to be cordial and civil at all times, because I know how challenging vet practice jobs can be.


I have probably spent enough on pets in my lifetime to buy another house!  Oh, well, I love them all so dearly, and I budget as needed.  I even have pet care in my will.  


Some vet practices will create a fund for sick pets whose owners cannot afford to pay.  There are also special credit cards just for pet bills. 


Spending money is always a choice, and we have to plan accordingly as needed.






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Re: The high cost of vet care

I did ask the vet's "nurse" why the vaccines need to be redone. Smells like a money grab to me. Her answer? "Because the shelters give them at such a young age, we can't be sure they are effective."

Huh? I would love to hear what @beachmom DH has to say about this 

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