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Re: The high cost of vet care

@Venezia  I took Jazzys medical record from the shelter to the vet appt. The reviewed it. Yeah I'm puzzled by the re-vaccinate plan 

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Re: The high cost of vet care


@We rescue cats wrote:

It is really getting out of hand. I just had a $400+ bill for one of the cats, (plus an urgent fee) but it did include an overnight stay for observation until the test results were in, and medications. Nothing was found, we do not know exactly what was wrong and we are still babying him. I love our vet clinic, when I call they all know us and work with us to get us in and I have faith in the practice. But it hurts the pocketbook for sure.


A few months ago an older gent came in with an elderly dog that had a massive growth on him, it was obvious that the poor dog did not have long and that he was in distress. They recommended euthanasia, when the man asked how much that would cost he started to cry and told the dog he was sorry but he could not afford it but went out to his car to talk to his wife. As I was paying my bill I had them add half of it to our bill if the clinic would waive the other half, my heart broke for the man and for his pup. (they did)


You are so kind, @We rescue cats.  Woman Happy

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Re: The high cost of vet care

I would not allow them to give double shots to your kitten. You should be your pets advocate in my opinion.
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Registered: ‎05-09-2010

Re: The high cost of vet care

@We rescue cats wrote:

It is really getting out of hand. I just had a $400+ bill for one of the cats, (plus an urgent fee) but it did include an overnight stay for observation until the test results were in, and medications. Nothing was found, we do not know exactly what was wrong and we are still babying him. I love our vet clinic, when I call they all know us and work with us to get us in and I have faith in the practice. But it hurts the pocketbook for sure.


A few months ago an older gent came in with an elderly dog that had a massive growth on him, it was obvious that the poor dog did not have long and that he was in distress. They recommended euthanasia, when the man asked how much that would cost he started to cry and told the dog he was sorry but he could not afford it but went out to his car to talk to his wife. As I was paying my bill I had them add half of it to our bill if the clinic would waive the other half, my heart broke for the man and for his pup. (they did)

@We rescue cats omg. Bless you.  You brought me to tears today.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Registered: ‎05-09-2010

Re: The high cost of vet care

@mrshckynut wrote:

@Puppy Lips wrote:

We have two dogs now.  We took our 5 year old Husky mix to the vet a few months ago because she had been throwing up a few days in a row and was not getting better.  I readily agreed to the X rays because she is known to chew up things around the house on occassion.  Nothing shown there.  I should have stopped then and left.  But this Vet and Vet tech kind of make you feel like  bad pet parents if you don't do every test possible.  Long story short, we walked out of there with a bill over $1,000, and there was nothing wrong with her.  A day or two later she was fine.  They gave us 4 medications, of which we might have given her one pill once.  One of the meds was 4 doses for over $60.00.


We have been going to this vet for a long time.  He is very good.  But they are in the process of expanding their practice for the second time.  As a result, they no longer do boarding, which is a big strike against them as we have a trip in January, and we have not been happy with the two boarders we have used since.





"Our other dog is almost 15 years old and I want her staying at a Vet's place"


@Puppy Lips    have you looked into the pet sitting businesses like mine           i go to clients homes and stay 24/7 over the days and nights they are gone           it is less stressful for all the animals i have cared for over my 10 year business






@mrshckynut Thank you for the suggestion.  I just am not comfortable with a stranger living in my home while we are gone.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Posts: 725
Registered: ‎06-19-2011

Re: The high cost of vet care

[ Edited ]


@Puppy Lips wrote:

@mrshckynut Thank you for the suggestion.  I just am not comfortable with a stranger living in my home while we are gone.



@Puppy Lips    i understand        before any client hires me i spend as much time with them and their pets as they wish to present myself      i will be going tomorrow to meet a new possible client to meet them and their pets and what they decide i understand        it took me a couple of years to really get established but now many of my clients and our vet who boards refer many of them to me           every pet owner should do what is best and comfortable for their pets and themselves

