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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Wednesday report:  Hello, Schmoosters, on this eve of Thanksgiving.


Obviously, our little family can't travel--not that we want to. We like to be huddled together in our comfortable, warm home. I have the tree up and decorated, there's a turkey in the fridge, I'll be making the cranberry sauce from scratch tonight and we'll all on this side of the grass, as my father-in-law used to say.


Today I came home from the spine doctor who said I didn't damage my disks in the neck--I just sprained it!  Yahoo, I thought.  It's painful as heck.


But as I drove home today, I realized my father-in-law was right.  We have many challenges and a long road ahead, but we still have one another.


And that's something to be thankful for, joyful for. It's how Frankie felt in the photo below, taken the first time she felt safe enough to jump up into bed with DH and I. 


May everyone in the extended Schmoo family have the same, safe, loving feeling of family this Thanksgiving:


Schmoo Frankie sprawl.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Happy Thanksgiving @Sammycat1 Family & Friends here,


Indeed Sammy, I hope you both continue holding your heads high, fighting the good fight through your health difficulties & there's something to be said for being homebodies!   Holidays don't always mean you should feel it necessary to travel; instead, enjoy a quiet, peaceful day together.  We appreciate the cozy comfort of home most of the time.  


I'm glad your neck isn't as damaged as you thought, but I hope your pain & discomfort leaves you sooner than later.  Your homemade cranberry sauce sounds wonderful, I just know it will be a perfect side dish.  


And, of course, Sweet Frankie in this adorable pose on your bed.  It goes without saying, her love & appreciation of you both is always with you.  Frankie, enjoy Thanksgiving with your loving Mom & Dad.  Maybe they'll sneak you a few extra nibbles of something tomorrow.  Tonight, I wish you calm & pleasant dreams & I wish you a loving & Happy Turkey Day tomorrow.  


Sending a Blessed Thanksgiving Wish to everyone here.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



Yes, your father-in-law was right.  No matter your trials and tribulations, you all have each other, even as tough as life may be right now. ❤️


I'd give all my material possessions if my dear husband could be back with me again, no matter what his physical condition.


I hope all Friends of Schmoo enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.🦃

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Happy Thanksgiving friends.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. Sending blessings and good health to all. 





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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hope everyone had a lovely day. 🧡🦃🍁💛🍂🧡
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Friday report:   Greetings, Schmoosters!


It was good to see everyone sharing Thanksgiving wishes.  Tomorrow begins some Frankie Holiday poses.


Although today's photo of the Kitty Sitter's Eskimo may break your heart, it shows you just how much animals miss and grieve their "other halves" and therefore confirms how much they need us and their own kind.


The evening after Pooh Bear died, Eskimo became distraught, searching for his brother from another mother.  He sat right in front of Pooh Bear's "hut" -- the dark brown one second from the left with the light blankies, the one we bought him -- and stayed there for 5 minutes, expecting Pooh Bear to come out.


When Pooh Bear didn't, he turned toward the photographer, his Cat Mom, the Kitty Sitter, as if to say, "Mommy, where's Pooh Bear? Bring him home:"


Eskimo looking for Pooh Bear SZD.jpg


Eskimo looking for Pooh Bear 2 SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 Hi Sammy,  I am so glad your spine appointment went well.  Your Father-In-Law was spot on, Your little family has great love and what more could one hope for.  I hope everyone had a very nice Thanksgiving.  I found myself feeling blue as we start this holiday season, but I too am blessed with a million happy memories to look back upon.  I know Kitty Sitter is having such a hard time with her grief and sweet little Eskimo does look lost.  I will continue to lift them in prayer.

Take care Dear Friends..

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Such sad pictures, @Sammycat1 , I wish I could help in some way!  Would Kitty Sitter consider having an Animal Communicator talk to Eskimo, maybe that would put his mind at ease, to know his brother was safe in a better place?

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



Simply heartbreaking. When one of my cats passed, the other would walk through the house at 9 pm every night yowling. I know he was looking for his brother. It breaks your heart. 💔

Prayers for KittySitter and Eskimo. 🙏🏻😢

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Poor, Sweet Eskimo.  Just goes to show any "naysayer" that animals definitely have feelings & are not stupid.  


My prayers continue for both Eskimo & Kitty Sitter.  I know the sadness will be with them always but truly hope they're a comfort for each other.  


Sammy, I pray your family enjoyed your stay-home Thanksgiving & your special bond.