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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Perfectly said!  .. and, the photo to go with it.  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


You guys certainly have your plate full.  I hope you're able to get all the necessary changes & orders accomplished.  Best of luck for all to go smoothly.  I'm glad you took a break for yourselves & hope you had popcorn to go along with it.  Woman Wink


Sweet Frankie:  You're a "sleeping beauty."  Were you able to enjoy your weekend & did your critter friends visit with you?  I hope you have a calm & peaceful sleep tonight.  Heart


(PS:  my morning yesterday was a teary one.  DH dug out one of the flags I ordered a few yrs. ago.  It's 2 cats, similar in color to my 2 kitty sisters.  He put it at the top of the driveway as a Memorial for them.  My best friend had given me a gift after their passing that I told her I didn't have the nerve to open.  Well, I did yesterday & it was (2) curled up kittens - with solar lights.  We thought they would go perfectly under the flag.  DH said the solar lights lit up beautifully last night.  I pray it doesn't get stolen.

Anyways, the flood gates opened on me for quite a while.  "Big Baby Me!"  It's been 3 weeks today since their passing & it's still tough.  The adjustment without them here is the hardest.  Sorry for my rant ..)

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 ,


Thank you for sharing the precious pictures of Frankie ladybug.  She is a beautiful kitty, and her illnesses don't take away from that fact. 


I hope you, and Mr. Sammycat are doing as well as you can. I know both of you are hanging tough, right along with your girl. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Friday report:  Greetings to all Schmoosters!


We hope you're doing well!  We're busy keeping our kitty on an even keel and continuing to get ready--again--for DH's surgery. As @newtoallthis says, everything is reason, and so must be the delay in the surgery.


It all bores Frankie, whose weight loss from the hyperthyroidism has slowed a bit, a good thing.  She recently demanded that DH use one of her Dr. Pussum's cotton mats to create a "headrest" for her napping comfort:


Frankie headrest SZD.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 , DH 


Glad to hear you're still moving forward with your plans & DH's surgery .. which, by the way, is coming fast.  August is flying by ....  Frankie, it's great you're not experiencing further weight loss.  I'm proud of you.  I hope all else is going as good as can be expected for you as a family.


Beauty Queen Frankie:  so, your "wish is everyone else's command, 'eh?  And, because you have such loving parents, they'll even make you a special pillow, which appears to have done the job!  (May I borrow it on one of my sleepless nights?)  I hope your weekend is full of playtime, critter friends & cozying up with Mom & Dad.  My 2 kitty sisters (I know) wish you pleasant & peaceful dreams.  HeartHeart



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



I feel sure that your beloved Kitty Sisters are watching over not only you and your family, but Miss Frankie, too.  I'm sure you miss them terribly; I miss hearing about their days and what they've been up to.  Frankie hopes you'll be gentle with yourself as you adjust to knowing they're both on the next part of their journey.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Thank you so much for your very kind words.  They really mean a lot.  

Tomorrow will be a month since Fluffy & Ginger's passing.  It touches me each & every day that goes by .. so many pictures in my mind, the endless memories & thoughts.


I'm also going thru different thoughts now .. I miss having my girls to love here with me & am thinking about adopting again or volunteering at a local animal shelter or both.  We'll see ....  


On your end, I hope you're all dealing with & comforting each other with your upcoming adjustments to your life.  But, knowing you all as "The Frankie Strong Family", you'll prove just that.  Always know our thoughts & prayers are with you.  We're here whenever you need us.  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:  Hello, fellow Schmoosters on this hoooomid day, a.k.a. a Bad Hair Day for all.


Even after I threw my back out this weekend and she had to provide official candy-striper duties to nurse me back on my feet, she STILL won't allow a photo close-up of her face.  DH tried to capture one and she said:


"Nope, I'm going upside down so all you can see is my snoot. I'm also hiding my paw pads from you, too:"


Frankie upside down SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


So sorry to learn your back was wreaking havoc on you this past weekend .. something you definitely don't need!  I hope you're on the mend.  Kudos to Sweet Frankie for her candy-striped job.  Cat Very Happy


Sweet Frankie:  it's impossible for you to take a bad photo .. so, stubborn as you are at times, that's just fine with us.  You can't take away our love for you no matter what.  I see your "snoot", can't hide it from me.  


Sammy - indeed, the humidity is very high 80ish & dew is 60s.  GOOD NEWS ALERT:  we had rain, just can't believe it.  We've had so many predictable rain reports that never happened!  My heart aches for all the farmers suffering, plus, it's helpful to some of the dried up rivers, streams, etc.  We felt like doing a "happy dance."  More rain is expected in the early A.M. thru most of tomorrow.  God has Blessed us.  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Tuesday report:   As if on cue yesterday, Frankie allowed a closeup pic of her face. The angle makes it look like she has no body, but that's an optical illusion. She's slightly miffed that DH captured this photo, but shortly thereafter, she snorted deep snorts of her Dr. Pussums catnip tie-dye log in the foreground.


 @seaBreeze  and all Schmoosters, this one's for you:


Frankie closeup August 2022 SZD.jpg