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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Oh yeah, no dictionary or translation app needed there, that's clear and concise, LOL!  Thank you for the update, @Sammycat1 , Frankie looks just lovely today!  I am glad you getting even hazy sunshine, we here in western Oregon are under another "atmospheric river" of rainfall, my little old terrier men will hate it, but they will be wearing raincoats, with a sweater underneath for the short-coated dog, it's just dumping buckets!

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:   Greetings this morning to all Schmoosters!


@CamilleP  You clearly can read "Frankie" language perfectly, LOL. Sorry to hear about your deluge of rain. Today is our only sunny day this week, which means it will feel more raw. 


@sceniccoast  You also are fluent in "Frankie."  I'm sure your kitty girls also could read it.


So today, I'm posting what appears to be the same picture as the other one.  But look closely. She is flexing for a fight:


Frankie power paw SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


I wish my 2 senior sisters could oblidge & read Frankie's appearance; however, they're both in deep nap mode today.  Not much activity from either of them today.  Not until it's wet food time, then it's nibble, nibble, etc.


Sweet Frankie:  I see your "paw spread."  And the look that seems you're looking to prance at something or someone.  I hope you behaved?  If you're experiencing the cold we had the past few days, I pray it's not making you feel unwell.  Instead, stay warm & cuddled.  Wishing you peaceful & pleasant dreams tonight.  My 2 kitty sisters say hello & send you their long-distance hugs.  Sweet dreams.  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:   Greetings Schmoosters!


Frankie has a raw, cold day with no sun--the kind of day meant for the famous (back in Schmoo days) Duraflame heater! 


Before I turned it on she was in a tight ball with fur puffed, trying to get warmer and joints aching. Now it's toasty and she's completely relaxed. Doesn't it make you feel good when doing a small thing makes a big difference in your pet's comfort?


Frankie's not allowing photos today, so I'm posting this one from last Friday when the all-day jewelry sale was on QVC.  As we sit together on the recliner chair, she's somewhat indifferent and snoozing.


She prefers the turntable sparkle on JTV--it keeps her toes a-tappin'. By the way, despite the QVC warehouse fire--which surely has thrown the whole organization into an extremely difficult situation at the worst possible time of year--I received the items I ordered that day as promised by them.


Although QVC doesn't do jewelry turntables, Frankie gives them a 4 paws up:


Frankie body block jewelry SZD.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Prayer request!


The Kitty Sitter's boy kitty named Eskimo had to be rushed to the ER this morning--vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss that's dramatic. She canceled her trip back east from the west coast, so it's bad.


If you could, please say a prayer for Eskimo. Rescued from the streets, adored by my friend the Kitty Sitter:


Eskimo 1 sized.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Dear Kitty Sitter & Eskimo,

Our heartfelt thoughts & prayers are with you during Eskimo's illness.  We pray for his fast & complete recovery.  We are praying in "triple" mode as my 2 sr. kitty sisters are joining me.  Crossing our fingers & paws that this will help Eskimo recover.  My Ginger has been "yapping away" the past 15 mins, so I'm going to say she's praying out loud.   And my Fluffy, has been lying next to me on the loveseat & purring the whole time.  She's praying out loud also.  A cat Mom knows these things after all.  


Sweet Eskimo:  I hope you feel the well wishes, prayers & comfort hugs we're sending you today.  I hope you have the strength to recover from this.  HeartHeart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sweet Frankie:  I'm sorry you felt achey today.  On a good note, you're very fortunate to have the concerned & loving parents that you do .. always watching out for you.  That Duraflame surely is helping you so I'm very glad you're cuddling & relaxing.


Well, your Mom posted a pic of you anyways watching TV last Friday.  It's a nice way to spend quality time together.  Wishing you calm & pleasant dreams tonight.  (((hugs)))   HeartHeart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 wrote:

Prayer request!


The Kitty Sitter's boy kitty named Eskimo had to be rushed to the ER this morning--vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss that's dramatic. She canceled her trip back east from the west coast, so it's bad.


If you could, please say a prayer for Eskimo. Rescued from the streets, adored by my friend the Kitty Sitter:


Eskimo 1 sized.jpg

@Sammycat1 ,


Please let Kitty Sitter know that prayers are going up for Eskimo and for her as well. 


Eskimo. Heart


Such a precious precious boy. 








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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Awww Frankie ladybug,


I hope you are feeling better now, all warm, and snugly. 


Speaking of jewelry, our Miss Kitty was an earring thief. I missed one of my super lightweight snowflake earrings for months. My son found it months later in one of his shoes that was in the closet. I wonder how that happened?   Cat Tongue





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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Wednesday report:  Greetings, Schmoosters.


Thank you for your prayers for dear Eskimo--and the Kitty Sitter passes on her thanks also. 


Eskimo went through a battery of tests yesterday, with some detailed ones sent out to IDEXX. They had to sedate him to get the blood, urinalysis and x-ray because he HATES (capital letters for emphasis) any intrusive testing. They gave him fluids throughout in case his kidneys have worsened. He has mild kidney disease.


So:  nothing obvious in the bloodwork except elevated calcium, which can indicate a boatload of different things from cancer to parathyroid tumors to Vitamin D overload. His kidney values were normal; his blood sugar was slightly higher but still in the normal range. But he is sick, very sick, and Kitty Sitter fears the worse, as she's been down this road before (lymphoma in 2 other cats and pancreatic cancer in a third).


I may have mentioned before that the Kitty Sitter breaks her butt in volunteering at a no-kill shelter in California--not just in cat care and adoptions, but on the board of directors. It's where her Eskimo and Pooh Bear were rescued from the streets, where it was clear to the vets that they had led a hard life outdoors for some time, both filled with the scars of prior fights and autoimmune problems.


Those boys could not have landed in a better place, and they deserve it after the horrible life they led until the Kitty Sitter scooped them up and took them in.


They finally know great love and care--and dear Eskimo knows this. He spent last night in his favorite spot, on the lap of his beloved Kitty Sitter in their recliner chair:


Eskimo 2 sized.jpg