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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1   The pendant is wonderful!  I'm glad you shared the picture with us.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



That is absolutely perfect! What a fitting tribute to your Fergus. Beautiful! 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



So happy for you and your mom! Prayers continue for her surgery today.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

My goal is to figure out how to post pictures on this thing.


Every time I look at that beautiful picture os Schmoo, it makes me think of my boy Bill.  They look very similar.


Anyway, I saw where someone here lost her furbaby.


What is it about us animal lovers?  When someone looses one of their furbabies, we all feel her pain.  


I think it's because we know how we feel when we loose one of our furbabies.


I was just telling Bill as he was sitting on my chest (yes, he sits on my chest) that he's getting more gray every day.


It makes me so sad.  I feel like I'm running a race trying to slow down Bill as he ages.


He's now 14 years old.  I've had cats that have lived much longer, but it's just that he gets closer every year.


I remember my Grandma (who raised me) used to say, "Don't go looking for trouble".


I think that's good advice.  I wish I could practice it more often.


Take care ladies.  Stay well and safe.  Bless all furbabies around the world.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Tuesday report:   The sun is back out in Schmooville and Frankie's roasting away. She wasn't herself last night and this morning, but now she's back in the saddle.


@Annabellethecat66  Wise words on pet loss. We're bound together by the magic and joy they breathe into our lives; when their physical beings end, we reach out to those who understand fully what it means to lose a family member with fur.


Today, a lighthearted snippet from the Schmoo book on the litter box entitled "Fresh dumpoo." Get yourself a tea or coffee or hot chocolate, and have a read:


Despite the deprivations he’d suffered prior to life with his newly selected servants – us – Schmoo managed to set high standards for our employ. The bar he raised high would not be compromised and, due to his impossible cuteness and swagger, we caved on a regular basis.


Nothing escaped his measuring stick – most notably, the litter box.


His inaugural tour through the cat “water closet” – a powder room on our first floor because we have no basement – resulted in pure cat contempt. He gave us the “black eyeliner” look when he saw one average-sized box and tried to turn around in it. It was like watching the Titanic trying to do a 180 in the kiddie pool: way too tight on the turning radius, with disaster likely.


After hours combing through the offerings at several stores, I selected one with a bigger footprint and low sides. He watched its installation then walked up for an inspection, sniffed it at several key areas then walked away. This signal in Schmoo Language meant “approved.”


Besides the box itself, the room it sat in and other variables (such as brand of litter), there was area in which Schmoo brooked no nonsense – hygiene. Like most cats, Schmoo valued cleanliness, especially in the elimination department. Unlike most cats, he compelled us not only to conform to his view, but with his trademark relentlessness, obliged us to take steps at all hours to make it so.


When the box’s contents troubled Schmoo’s sensibilities, he would find DH then lead him to the litter box room – and plunk his butt down to begin the Schmoopervisory process. At full attention like a Buckingham Palace guard, he could not be swayed from this post until DH changed the litter, vacuumed and completed any other necessary tidyings-up. As soon as he emerged, DH announced, “Fresh dumpoo!”


Only then did Schmoo break his stance, trot into the bathroom, scuff furiously to get just the right positioning and depth of deposit – then let it fly. He concluded the entire procedure by racing at full speed up to the second floor to get away from the deed as quickly as possible.


It taught us two things. Never run out of fresh kitty litter. And realize that once you’ve adopted a cat with the command of Schmoo, you are not the boss of your own home--in the best of ways:


Schmoo cool.jpg

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SammRe: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy, thanks for sharing that snippet, that is just great!  I can just see the precious one run out as quickly as the deed was done, his attitude will always be the very best.  Glad you are feeling a bit better and sweet Frankie is doing her very best.

Have a good week dear friends. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1Thank you for recounting that humorous situation, only pet lovers can laugh about things like litter boxes!  Woman Wink  And thank you for the photograph of the Golden One, no matter how many times I look into those celadon green eyes I am reminded of how wonderful and unique and amazing a spirit Schmoo was.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Thanks for a joyful read.  Your Mr. Schmoo must have had you & DH in hysterics most of the time.  Either that, or your descriptive writing is better than you realize.  And, what a handsome Schmoo he was!  I found this snippet quite comical.


By the way, the collie pendant you posted yesterday is very nice.  Wear it with love.


Hopefully, this is a sign that both you & Sweet Frankie are feeling much better.  Sending you both comfort hugs.


Sweet Frankie:  I hope you've been chattering up a storm with all of your critter friends today?  Glad the weather is finally being nice to you.

Sweet & calm dreams tonight Little Angel Girl .. xoxoxo 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Wednesday report:   Greetings, Schmoosters. I'm glad you enjoyed the "Fresh Dumpoo!" snippet from the Schmoo book. He was everything cat to the tenth power: mischievous, rambunctious, joyful, loving, loyal, and just a little crazy--in a good way.  Smiley Happy


Frankie's not her best lately. The last several nights, she's slept on an odd place on the bedroom floor. She had diarrhea and is sneezing intermittently. So we're hoping it's temporary but I've emailed her vet to see what we should do.


In the meantime, DH put "coral reef fish for cats" on our office TV (I write commercials from time to time and have to preview them). Please ignore the clutter and focus on our baby watching those gentle fishies--LUNCH potential!--while she relaxes:


Frankie coral reef SZD.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]



I do enjoy your writing.  That little Schmoo snippet had me giggling.  Because I can picture "the exit" to a 'T'.  Mainly  because I have a cat that does the same thing.  

When I see him flying through the house--literally--to get as far away from the litter boxes as possible, I'm immediately on guard.  He's a long haired guy, and even though I trim him in strategic areas, he still can get certain things stuck on his behind.  And at times he's just a little too impatient to wait until he's completely done in the box.


Which means I have a scavenger hunt through the house unless I keep an eagle eye on the little stinker.😳😂