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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


I'm sad to learn Sweet Eskimo is so ill.  With the love & care from Kitty Sitter, he can't be in better hands.  I just hope Eskimo continues living while pain-free, snuggly & comforted on Kitty Sitter's lap where he seems to have made a second home.  Heart   


And, I'm sure Sweet Pooh Bear would be lost without him.  I'll continue to pray for Kitty sitter and both Eskimo & Pooh Bear to be together for a long time to come.  Heart



Sweet Frankie:  I'm still thinking of you each & every day with love & best wishes.   Heart



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hello Everyone, 


Love Can Truly Build A Bridge


This sweet photo depicts a kitty that has been given a second chance at a happy life, with an angel caregiver. 


He is so very secure, and is able to feel all the love being bestowed onto him. 


He has gone flat, which in my house means totally relaxed, totally comfy, and feels totally loved.


Merry Christmas Eskimo, Pooh Bear,  and Kitty Sitter


Eskimo 2 sized.jpg





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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Merry Christmas Schmoo / Frankie family,


I hope this time will be good to you all, and that 2022 brings good things to us. 


You all are good, and special people. 



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Thursday report:  Greetings to all holiday Schmoosters.


@sceniccoast @Tissyanne @Shop Till you Drop @geezerette @CamilleP @newtoallthis @TrafficDiva @seaBreeze @beastielove @grandkidsrgreat  and so many more....


The only report I have for you on Eskimo is that all the blood work--including the detailed stuff sent out to IDEXX--his urinalysis, X-rays (of the whole cat), etc., show nothing but a slightly upticked calcium level.  So it's off to the ultrasound today, which the Kitty Sitter has to take him to the animal ER for, as the specialty hospital is way too backed up to accommodate.The vet is theorizing that this is IBD or lymphoma. The Kitty Sitter fears the latter, but knows it well, as all of her cats but one succumbed to it.


Eskimo is eating and being a little more sociable. The vomiting has stopped with the help of cerenia but the diarrhea is still there. I worked with the Kitty Sitter and the vet to get a better pain med schedule mapped out, so he seems more comfortable to her.  I'll let you know about any developments.


Thanks for your ongoing prayers. It's not the Christmas my friend had planned, but it's still Christmas filled with love--and isn't that the point? @Tissyanne brings it home in her two prior posts. We spoil them year-round, as evidenced by a recent photo of Frankie getting a butt scritch from DH and some of her favorite things nearby, such as her pink Dr. Pussums mat:


Frankie butt scritch SZD.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1  I have been so hoping for better news for poor Eskimo, I hope the ultrasound gives Kitty Sitter a reason for joy, not grief!  My prayers continue to Eskimo and Frankie to get the gift of healing this Christmas!

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Shout Out to @Sammycat1 , DH & Sweet Frankie .. wishing you a Very Merry Christmas loaded with nothing but joy & love.


All Schmoosters:  for me, it's been a joy (for friendship) to post here with you all this year.  Merry Christmas to All.


A Special Wellness Wish for:  all of our ill pets for healing & love .. for as many homeless pets to be welcomed in loving homes.


Blessings & Best Wishes to each of you.  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Merry Christmas to all the Schmoo family and the kitties too. 

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Friday report:  @AnikaBrodie @sceniccoast @CamilleP @Tissyanne @geezerette  and all Schmoosters...


I wish I had better news about my friend, the Kitty Sitter, about her ill cat Eskimo. Ultrasound has rippled out tumors or thickening of intestinal walls. His kidneys have deteriorated, but not enough to kill him,


it appears that his elevated calcium may be caused by elevated hormones, PTH and PTHrP. Blood tests can be determined which one is to fault....and this will determine his possible treatment and fate. He's been moved from critical care to internal medicine at the 24 hour facility.

The Kitty Sitter is checking with his vet at the foundation/rescue where she volunteers and where she took on Eskimo and Pooh Bear.


She's devastated, especially because Eskimo's fate is unclear. Not a happy, sing-song Christmas message, I know. But please join DH and I in our prayers for Kitty Sitter's strength and her beloved Eskimo. We are heartbroken for them but not giving up.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0
