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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 I've been absent and missed a lot. I'm sorry that I wasnt on the Frankie cheer squad this last surgery. She is an amazing fighter. We are sharing similar stories though right now. I found a lump on Duke. The biopsy results came today. He has cancer, a type of lymphoma and it's in his kidney. I am lost for words right now, except, please pray.



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sweet "Sleepy Head" Miss Frankie  Heart



Dang!  Sorry your sweet girl had to go back to the Vet.  I hope you made out ok & Frankie had no infection.  More prayers & hugs being sent for Frankie, you & DH.  Please update when you can.


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


I'm sorry about your Sweet Mr. Duke.  I hope your Vet can perform his magic to heal Duke.  Best wishes & prayers being sent to you both.  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@KitTkat   I'm so sorry to read about Duke's cancer.  Was the Vet able to remove all of the tumor?  I will pray for more time for Duke.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Wednesday report:   First, today, please join me in the Schmoo Warrior Prayer Circle for @KitTkat's Duke.  Guide the hands and minds of his vets in treating him and steady the heart of his dear Cat Mom in caring for him.


@KitTkat, if you're able, please tell us:  will Duke have surgery? What is the treatment for your baby, who, by the way, is incredibly handsome.  Keep us posted on all details and know we are here for you and Duke.


Frankie's stitch didn't blow open--they shifted a bit, and she didn't have a hole but some scabbed skin. We have to put a cream to calm it twice a day and some steroid spray on an area of her skin below the incision that is red and irritated.


Her vet called with her diagnosis this morning. Not cancer but another immune thing gone extremely wild that we have to figure out and treat:  chronic diffuse eosinophilic granulomatous dermatitis. It's a highly inflammatory condition that manifests as a shapeshifter lesion that show as a very deep plaque, an ulcerated lesion, a tumor, a lot of things.  Can be caused by hypersensitivity to food or typical allergen or bite from dust mites, mites of other stripes, mosquitoes, spiders, other insects; also could have been a serious reaction to her microchip.


All of her problems to date are immune system things in overdrive:  IBD, triaditis, pancreatitis, the feline stomatitis in the mouth and now this.  Normal treatment for this latest thing is injections of steroids but we can't do that because of her blood sugar (it was up before surgery, although currently she's not diabetic).  So the vet is going into his vet mind and consult with other specialists on the matter.  We have to constantly monitor her for bumps; she also can develop cancer easily, too, because of this, and it can get so bad it can kill her.


We deeply appreciate your prayers and good wishes for Frankie. We're in new territory and hope you can focus more now on @KitTkat  and Duke.


The vet on duty last night treated her scabby area and inflamed skin, then wrapped Frankie around the neck and crossed over and under each armpit. She looked like a bandolero (see the bandages from the side):


Frankie bandalero SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1   I'm so happy that it's not cancer.  I know what it is can be bad, but hopefully her Vet will come up with a way to treat it.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

I will share as much as I know. He has not had surgery and the tumor was checked by a fine needle aspiration biopsy. I'm still trying to decide what the next step will be for Duke. I know I want what's best for him, not what's best for me. His kidney is very enlarged. It could be removed, but it's highly possible that the cancer has already spread. Im leaning toward having an appointment with an oncologist just to know the entire details. The nearest vet oncologist is unfortunately 45 minutes away. Surgery of any kind carries big risks. Duke's risks are higher. He is 9, he has lost 20% of his weight, he has a chronic cough/wheeze that comes out of nowhere at any time, even when he's sleeping, he has an autoimmune disorder that affects his skin, although it remains under control by steroids, but it's still a disease, now add the cancer. I'm not sure Duke would recover from major surgery if he could even survive it. And the cancer could attack or has already attacked other parts of his body. At this time, he shows very little of being sick. His posture is a bit off and he rarely groom's himself, but he continues to eat and drink and act like his normal self. He's happy despite his illness. We have doubled his Prednisolone dosage for now.


I'm praying for a miracle, but if that is not God's will, then I want Duke to be as happy for as long as he possibly can. I don't want him to suffer at all, so these decisions are very difficult to make.


I thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

@KitTkat   Thank you for sharing more details.  I know you will do what is right for Duke. I understand what a tough decision that is. How old is he?  He's beautiful.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@NickNack thank you. I just realized I left out his age and came back to add it. He's 9

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Kitkat, Im so sorry all your sweet Duke is going through.  Lifting your baby in prayer. Please take good care.