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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:  Shop, thanks for the update on Li'l J (Joey) and his condition; we pray for a continued uptick for your precious boy and hope he wants to chow down soon.  AnikaBrodie, your graphic today brought tears of gratitude to my eyes.  And Beauty, as I've been coming more out of my self-centered fog, I've been wondering about our friend Streetangel and how she's faring .... is there any news?


I've also got Newtoallthis's Mystery Kitty on my mind, and Grandkidsrgreat's Shy-Annie, and Tissyanne's Sugarbear and Karnerblue's Buddy and our old friend SLH, who is retiring this month.


Just wanted you all to know that you and yours are never far from my thoughts, like the boy in the photo below, an outdoor/feral cat we named Schmoo Jr.  We fed him and try to rescue him but remained unsuccessful, and my heart breaks again when I see this picture, the last one I took of him as he headed back into the woods behind our home. 


No kitties belong there.  They belong at our hearths and in our homes, surrounded by love and comfort and carefree days -- and oh how I wish I could have saved this "brother" of Schmoo's:


Schmoo Jr.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone. Shop praying Joey gets an appetite and can put some weight on.He is always in my prayers

beatie you do so much for animals,you truly are an angel here on earth and have saved man lives I am sure with all you do,bless  you.

Sammycat hope you are doing better and feel stronger each day.You're a tough one like your boy,you'll do it. Streetangel is doing better,in a much better place then she was but still needs will take some time before we know if everything will be ok but its heading in that direction. 

Sending prayers to all of the gang.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Wednesday report:  BJ, thanks for the positive news on Streetangel...I'm glad things are looking up for her.


After considerable caterwauling on my part on this thread, I received great news today:  I'm now strong enough to lose the walker most of the time and walk only with a cane --  several weeks ahead of schedule.


I say this not to brag, but in thanks for your support, and to make this observation:  Even though the road ahead is still long, I felt close to the exhilaration we'd feel when Schmoo beat back another problem and triumphed over it.  I was a tough nut before I had my Schmoo, but he refined in me a sense of refusing to quit.  


And because of him, I'm looking outward and upward to the world that awaits, as he is in the photo below.  For all that befell him, my eternal furry optimist always did that -- squeezing every drop of joy so rightfully his out of each day:


Schmoo triumph.jpg


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat1 wrote:

Just wanted you all to know that you and yours are never far from my thoughts, like the boy in the photo below, an outdoor/feral cat we named Schmoo Jr.  We fed him and try to rescue him but remained unsuccessful, and my heart breaks again when I see this picture, the last one I took of him as he headed back into the woods behind our home. 


No kitties belong there.  They belong at our hearths and in our homes, surrounded by love and comfort and carefree days -- and oh how I wish I could have saved this "brother" of Schmoo's:


Schmoo Jr.jpg


My feelings are exactly the same...not only for kitties,but for all precious animals who deserve to have loving forever homes and to be showered with TLC every day of their lives.

So glad that you're feeling better...sending more healing prayers your way.


Sending more special prayers to all of our dear members of The Clan who are still in need.


Sending more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies and homeless animals who are still in need.


Wishing everyone a peaceful night and a fabulous tomorrow.



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat ~~ Great news re. using a cane most of the time and getting rid of the walker ahead of schedule.  Just don't overdo it and keep the walker close by just in case.  It sounds like your knee is healing nicely.  Remember, The Schmoo is looking down on your progress with "healing hugs."   You had a great teacher!   Smiley Happy

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat thats amazing that you are able to use the cane now instead of the walker,thats so fast. Thsi is awesome news and your boy Schmoo must be beaming with pride.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy what wonderful news that you will be leaving the walker for your cane.  YOU are doing a wonderful Job.  You have alot of prayer lifting you up, but we know much of this is coming from the powers of the GREAT one MR. Schmoo with much love! Hugs

Have a Blessed day Dear Friends (Hugs)

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hello Everyone! I've been keeping up as best I can with everyone and saying prayers where needed. Keeping everyone and their babies in my prayers. I'm so glad Sammycat that you are progressing so well!

Update on Mystery Cat. He still comes every morning and every evening for his meals at the Porch Cafe. He is hanging around some during the day. He has began to lay and sleep in one of the patio table chairs. He is getting just a little closer to me but if I make a move he is gone to a "safe" distance. I have reached his food out to him but nothing doing! I so would love to have him inside for the winter. Tibbs watches him out the door. He has never been in his bed. My son came home with me one afternoon and Mystery Kitty was on the porch when my son got out of my car he hissed at him and ran around the corner of the house! My son spoke quietly to him and he watched him but stayed away. He came back when I fed him and I told my son to stay away from the door and not to leave until he was through eating! LOL His Theo has never shown up and I pray he is with someone, loved and safe. He is missed so much. I would so love to take this guy in, but I know at least he is fed and he knows he has a safe haven here. i dread the bitter cold and snows so much for him. The picture of Schmoo Jr breaks my heart, but you did the best you could do just as I will do with mystery cat. I have called him Stray Cat so much that I am now calling him Trey Cat! Much more dignified and suiting to a cat of his caliber. He's a gorgeous solid black like Tibbs. Tibbs is now 18 years old! He is doing great!

Like Tissy anne and her Sugarbear, I have a soft spot for black cats....

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Thursday report:   Newtoallthis, nice to hear from you -- and bless you for all you do for the "Double T" kitties....Trey Cat and Tibbs.  You are a true kitty whisperer.  


Everyone, your words of encouragement hit home, dear friends, every day -- and they are inspirational.  I'm wiped out after my first full day of walking with a cane, plus a little trip to the hospital to get my blood-clotting times checked, but pleased that I'm moving forward, even if it's at a crawl.


Even as I progress, my heart is breaking for the Kitty Sitter, whose dear father (suffering from COPD) has been hospitalized three times these past 4 weeks for pneumonia and complications arising from it.  It looks like she may have to fly east again because his health is failing and her mother needs her desperately on so many fronts -- from finding assisted living and possibly nursing care, to selling the family home, etc.  Many of you have been there. 


As she said to me today, "We have to keep moving forward like that Schmoo Bear. He always found the light; so must we."  He inspires us still:


Schmoo inspires still.jpg





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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 wrote:

Thursday report:   Newtoallthis, nice to hear from you -- and bless you for all you do for the "Double T" kitties....Trey Cat and Tibbs.  You are a true kitty whisperer.  


Everyone, your words of encouragement hit home, dear friends, every day -- and they are inspirational.  I'm wiped out after my first full day of walking with a cane, plus a little trip to the hospital to get my blood-clotting times checked, but pleased that I'm moving forward, even if it's at a crawl.


Even as I progress, my heart is breaking for the Kitty Sitter, whose dear father (suffering from COPD) has been hospitalized three times these past 4 weeks for pneumonia and complications arising from it.  It looks like she may have to fly east again because his health is failing and her mother needs her desperately on so many fronts -- from finding assisted living and possibly nursing care, to selling the family home, etc.  Many of you have been there. 


As she said to me today, "We have to keep moving forward like that Schmoo Bear. He always found the light; so must we."  He inspires us still:


Schmoo inspires still.jpg





Good late evening to all, I am glad to see your post, newtoallthis, and that you are still feeding the mystery kitty. I know you will be able to make this lucky kitty a warm snugglie place to stay in this winter. 


Sammycat, I am so happy that you are doing so well, and are on the mend.You have had your friends here supporting you, yet somehow I think a certain champagne sunlit kitty has been pulling hard as he can for the mom that did so many tremendous things for him. 

Please tell Kitty Sitter that my prayers are with her. 


brb, I hope you are doing okay, and are looking forward to a nice weekend.


beauty I hope the weather is cooler for you, and that you are feeling better. 


Shop, give love hugs to the double J's from me. I hope Joey is feeling better. 


Everyone enjoy your Friday.