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@Foxxee   So true!

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Oh my gosh!  This brings back memories of specific companions who did this.  Just a touch and we were connected.

If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.
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It's exactly how I feel about my cats.  For whatever reason, I find it hard to go to sleep without at least one of them with me.

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OMG. I say this to my dog everynight.  So true.  Love it.

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Re: So Comforting!

[ Edited ]

A few years ago when I was in the hospital for more than 5 months.

One of our "old ladies"(our older shelter cats) took up residence on my side of the bed cuddled up to DH.


Due to medical issues..I now sleep in the guest room..

DH can sleep without me but not without "his kitty".

She sleeps with her head on a pillow and covered up to her neck with the blankets!

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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

That is SO our 85 pound baby!  I love him SO much!!!



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Jo1313 wrote:

A few years ago when I was in the hospital for more than 5 months.

One of our "old ladies"(our older shelter cats) took up residence on my side of the bed cuddled up to DH.


Due to medical issues..I now sleep in the guest room..

DH can sleep without me but not without "his kitty".

She sleeps with her head on a pillow and covered up to her neck with the blankets!

When DH and I were newly married our male slept between us every night, just like this. DH would gently move him down sometimes, but he would work his way back up. He would take up most of my pillow. Our female slept curled up at the bottom of my side.



Thanks for the sweet picture @Foxxee!   Smiley Happy