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Had my girl on it for arthritis, made a world of difference.  It is an anti inflammatory, my vet compared it to a dogs version of Advil.  Might want to talk to your vet if it is not working for you.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Thank you so much, everyone. I really appreciate your opinions. I have tried tramadol on him & it doesn’t relieve the pain. I have gabepentin & will try that. His stomach seems a little better tonight. I’m just afraid to try the rimadyl again. He’s in pain so I hope & pray this helps.
Thanks again.
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@m0rganInteresting.  My sisters dog never had a problem with Rimadyl but GABAPENTIN made her so unsteady she couldn't stand up.

Rimadyl CAN cause liver problems and GI problems.  If the dog is having Diarrhea best to call the Vet for advice.


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@candys mine Gabapentin can cause a sedative effect.  My 60+ pound older dog was on it for awhile and the vet had to adjust the dose to about 25% of what was originally prescribed for his weight.

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My dog was given Rimadyl after a dental procedure and she nearly died. She had bloody diarrhea, could not keep any food in, was lethargic, and dehydrating. @Renata22  If your dog has any of these signs, I would STOP giving him Rimadyl and call the vet asap. There are govt. websites that tell about side effects of vet Rx's.


My dog ended up in the vet hospital, getting IV's, and couldn't leave until she could digest food again. IMO, some of the vet drugs should either be taken off the vet market or severely narrowed for use.

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@Desert Lily So sorry you went through that with your baby. I am very leary of giving it again. He tolerated it so well and then he didn't feel well yesterday and this morning it was just awful. He slept all day today and now he is up crying. I hope to have him get sleep along with me but there have been those nights we don't sleep at all. He cries all night. It's very tiring for both of us. I was up with him at 430 this morning and haven't rested much since then. Would be trying to sleep now if not for the crying. At least the diarrhea is gone, thank God. Now I just have to figure out how to get his pain gone without the rimadyl. He has gabepentin and tramadol and also benadryl in him because   he was so itchy. Hopefully something will help him. 

It helps to come here and read what others have gone through with their babies. Just knowing there are lots of others who care for their furry loved ones is very encouraging. So glad these boards are still open.


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@Renata22  Perhaps it would help to contact a different vet tomorrow for your fur baby.

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@Desert Lily  We have been with the same vet for most of our lives and then he up and retired. The transition hasn't always been smooth but I do like the one we have now. He's in the same clinic as our other vet. I do wish I could find a cancer specialist for my baby in this area. 

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A warning on Rimadyl had said that if a dog has had a reaction to another similar drug, don't give the dog Rimadyl. My dog had quivered & vomited on the other drug, and I told the vet Not to give her Rimadyl. He did anyway he said "because [he] thought she needed it." I never went back to that vet again, even though both my dogs had always gone to him. I don't think all vets understand the seriousness of the meds they give animals.


I reached out and found a better vet.


I can't write about this anymore because it reminds me of how my fur baby suffered needlessly from the first vet's poor judgement and it still hurts to remember.

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No suggestions, but I really feel for you and the others who have posted.  If only our fur babies could tell us exactly what is wrong and how they are feeling!  And, of course, these things always happen on a weekend or holiday.  

We've given generic Rimadyl to all our dogs at different times.  Some have tolerated it well for a good length of time and others?  Not so much.  Thank goodness the one that really needed it for cancer pain tolerated it.  We give it to one of ours right now as needed for arthritis pain.  Our other one has to have it occasionally for different things, and after a few days on it, I get so nervous, because it does upset his stomach and his BM's are loose.  We are now seeing a new vet, and I think that should he require being on the drug in the future long-term, once we explain his issue, she will have other meds we can try.  And the new office has one of the vets on call at all times and offers emergency vet services, so we feel blessed that we found them!