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Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

Belle is a 10 month old Morkie that weighs 11 pounds. We had our first Spring thunderstorm and she ran and hid in the corner shaking. I have had several small dogs in my 67 years,  but none were ever afraid of thunder or fireworks.


Is there a thundershirt that works for your dog? I get most of my supplies off either Chewy or Amazon.


Thanks for any help!

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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

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It's upsetting isn't it when they are so scared. We used one for our girl and it did help her and once on I think she felt comforted. It helped during fireworks and storms. Some people say it helps and others say it doesn't

but it is definitely worth a try!


ThunderShirt Classic Anxiety & Calming Vest for Dogs, Heather Grey

By ThunderShirt
ThunderShirt Classic Anxiety & Calming Vest for Dogs, Heather Grey, Small slide 1 of 10
$39.95Chewy Price
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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

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You can try this, it has worked well for my fearful little rescue dog, Skye-   My hubby pulled out a box, just large enough for her, (not too big) and we put a soft cushy blanket In it.  As soon as the storm or noise starts, pull it out. It's like a den, which is intuitive for dogs. She immediately goes in, and seems calmer. We call it the ThunderBox.  Worth a try! Best wishes with your new baby!  

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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...


That's really a nice idea.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

My dog is not scared of firecrackers or thunder.  However, when either occurres, she goes inside her "covered" crate, comes out 5 minutes later to drink a lot of water, goes back inside her "covered" crate & falls into a deep asleep.

I won't see her till the next morning when I get up. Smiley LOL

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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

A thunder shirt did not help my Wheaten Terrrier, but I think we waited until she was too old.  Starting at a young age like your puppy is a good idea. 

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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

@Skyegirl21  I Like the hidey hole box idea.  It seems more natural for a dog to seek shelter in against a threatening situation.  Where in all their doggy history did packs of wild dogs find Thundershirts  to put on? Humans are wired to be comforted by hugs  dogs don't hug.


As an aside to everyone.  PLEASE don't put a thudershirt on your dog and think you are all set to bring your dog to the FIREWORKS display.  It WON"T help when Morter shells are exploding over their heads. 

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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

My dogs were terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. The thundershirt worked once, after that if I put it on they knew something was going to happen.  I used a supplement called Comfort calm that worked for a while but you had to give it to them about an hour before the noise started so  you had to be prepared. I finally went on Youtube and found the dog calming music. It worked amazingly well. As soon as I turned on the music my dogs would fall asleep.

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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

@Nataliesgramma We have a west highland terrier that is petrified of thunder and fireworks.  You can not hold him during these activities he is so freaked out.  Buddy will run and barks constantly.  We have tried putting him in his crate, Calming chews, Benadryl and nothing works.  If you find a good fit for this problem, please post as we are in Mississippi and have frequent storms.

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Re: Recommendations for a thunder shirt for a small dog...

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 My larger Jack Russell became very afraid of thunder as he grew older. I bought several thunder shirts from Petsmart for the dogs. 
   The first time he wore it he fell asleep in minutes! Eventually I'd just have to put it over him and it calmed him. 
  My other dog doesn't  get upset , she just tells me it's thundering, then I'll tell her it's okay.

             🐶 🐶 🦺🦺