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This is my younger horse that I'm hoping to put trail time on this spring/summer.  Last week we went out for a couple hours and were disappointed that it rained off and on and was mostly chilly.  But toward the end of the ride the weather cleared and we were lucky to see this beautiful sight! IMG_1294.jpg

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@Kalli @Looks like an idyllic place to there are quite a few "authentic" farmhouses there.

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@Kalli    I'm envious of your rides.  I used to do that too but no more.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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  Beautiful!  You are lucky to have horses and to be able to ride!

          🌳🐎 🌲🐴🌈 🌳

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@Kalli    I recently found this picture online which ill share.  I thought this color was most unusual.  Blue roan or gray?  What do you think?



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@Kachina624 I’m definitely not an expert on color but my first thought was blue roan just from looking at the darkness on the horse’s head compared to the body color. 


 Due to current genetic testing for color, results seem to be so detailed and specific now. I’ve read discussions between breeders online and admit most of that info goes right over my head!


What color do you think it is? 



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@Kalli    I'm leaning toward blue roan but would like to see it in person.  Genetics in animals is extremely complicated.  I did learn the hard way not to breed a color horse like an appoloosa or palamino to a gray due to the "graying gene".  We had a beautiful black appy foal with a white blanket but by the time he was a yealing he was just a gray horse like his mom.  Very disappointing.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@Kachina624 @That’s very interesting! I could never breed horses. Tbh, I simply don’t have the knowledge needed to do so. It must’ve been exciting for you to be a part of that! 


I didn’t grow up riding, sure wish I had. I started lessons when younger son left for college. Once I started learning I realized how much I love it!