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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina



Please focus on the love she gave you.

The fun memories and the warmth of her whilst you held her giving her hugs and kisses.

I know how badly you hurt, truly I do.

I am 58yrs old soon, and STILL cry hard at the memories of losing my fist pet when I was 16.


The passing of such a precious baby, is never easy, nor does it lighten up much. 

I cried reading your post, cried hard for your pain.


Please know, folks in the forum are sending you prayers...we know how you feel.


Remember the love shared, not the loss at the end.

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Posts: 362
Registered: ‎07-13-2013

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

[ Edited ]

Thank you  Ko  and everyone posted here  It  is tough today,  pet crematory picked her upso sa.d  and  I gave her a kiss goodbye .

They are so nice  I will get a lock of   her hair black and white and a framed paw print they did same for her S ister Sierra.

 Just wnat you all to know we appreciate your prayers and kindness so very much you are all the best on this QVC board I do not go on Facebook do not like them so I go on here Thank you all  I will start healing slowly but sure I will still be on chat too they are lioke Family too as I posted other day Thank you stay safe  hug your Pets give them a Kiss and your children grandchildren too .

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

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Registered: ‎02-04-2014

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

Loss of Pet Sympathy Folding Card | SmartPractice Veterinary

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina


I'm  so very sorry your Sweet Sabrina passed to The Bridge.  She's in a happy place now, rejoined with her sister.   I'll bet they're hugging & playing together again.


Hold their memories near & dear to your heart & remember the joyous times together.  Heart

Super Contributor
Posts: 362
Registered: ‎07-13-2013

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

[ Edited ]

thank you so much scenic coat sea breeze and newtoallthis  I got her ashes yesterday bitersweet got her lock of hair and a paw print with her name on it so nice of you to think of us, her baby Sister here is still moping around she is only about 5 but knows somthing happened to her best friend Sabrina and before her Sierra.

Thank you all so much means so much to me and my Son and Sapphire.

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Posts: 362
Registered: ‎07-13-2013

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

Ko   i was re reading your previous post from about 2  weeks ago about the terrible year 2020 has been with Pluto in the U.S. now makes sense to me maybe that is part of the reason for my Sabrina and her Sister Sierra 22 months ago to pass. maybe it could be thier time since wer old now but I think about Pluto and effect is has on U.S this year with the Wildfires, floods Hurricanes  Covid-19 all  too much for us  I will research into this more where do I start. Thank you for your kindness and insight.