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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

So sorry for your loss.  So hard to lose a beloved pet.

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

so sorry for your loss,  I know how hard it is ,  been there many time since.  Your Sabrina had a long good life and is now playing with her sister once again at that wonderful rainbow bridge that all if our fur babies go to 🌈😿

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

[ Edited ]

Thank you all , for your thoughts and Prayers

It will help me get thru this next several days and months  I Still have our granbaby furbaby  cat named Sapphire she will be 5 next month, she feels the loss she is a little sad today and knows what happened very quiet she used to try get Sabrina to play and run she always ran away .


I Thank all of you here this board is the Best  here at Q V C. all good people, I am  also on I told them on chat this eve, like Famijly as David would say & Mary,lol,

Thank you all so much so kind take care hug your pets and children tonight stay safe.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina



I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your beloved Sabrina--a beautiful name for a beautiful soul.  One thing is certain:  Sabrina would not have had such a long life if not for your care and love all these years.


Please try to find some comfort and peace in knowing that she is not hurting in any way and she's where she's been all this time:  in your heart.



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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

So very sorry. 😪

Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

@Ttownlady   So sorry for your loss. You are a good cat mommy. 16 and a half years of the love for Sabrina is something of which to be proud. 

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

I am so sorry for your loss.  Its truly one of the hardest things we have to go through.  Prayers for you.

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

i am so sorry for your loss.  

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

So sorry..

Super Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-27-2016

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

I am so very sorry. Poor little girl. My Daisy is 17 and I know I will be devastated when she leaves me. Praying for you and her. The Rainbow Bridge has another angel.