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Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

[ Edited ]

Please say a  Prayer for my Beloved Cat 16 1/2 years old joined her Sister Died in octe. 2018. to Rainbow Bridge this eve. about .40 min. ago. she stopped eating this a.m was lethargic had appt for vet tommorow i trid to fee her she ate a some afternoon htere was blood when she went into the kitty box from her butt she jsuet died on the kitchen floor this eve

. I picked her up before that hug and kiss her seh would not eat .lay her  down had to make a business call whn I hung up she still would not eat drink water still had gsap for air i chekc bakc on her she is gone I got her picked up now she is on her favorite blanket, this afternoon she lay sown on my bed.

SO sick Thank you all so much in advance nice pet friends on here.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2018

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

I'm so very sorry.  She had a long life, and I'm sure she knew, she was dearly loved! 

I'm thinking, she's probably already playing, at the Bridge, with my three girls! 

May her memory always bless you 💕💜

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

{{{{{@Ttownlady}}}}}  So sorry to hear of your loss. ❤️

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

@Ttownlady I am soooooo sorry to hear this. My heart breaks for you as I know kind of pain all too well. I am sure you were terrific to her and I am sure she was loved. Hugs to you! I am sending my warmest vibes to you from Nashville.

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

I'm so very sorry for your loss.  Sabrina now's with her sister, running, loving and enjoying life now on the Other Side.  


Though your pain is horrendous, you made two sisters lives better - joyful and loving.  They will always be watching over you and waiting 'til you're all together in time.


Deepest SympathyHeart

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

@Ttownlady So sorry for your loss.  Just know that you gave a loving and caring home to your cat for 18 1/2 years.  It is so painful when we lose one of our friends/family.  I know your beloved cat is frolicking at the Bridge with my beloved Samantha!  Hugs to you!

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

@Ttownlady I'm so sorry for the loss of Sabrina.  It is so very hard to lose a beloved pet.  Sending a big hug to you.

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

@Ttownlady I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Sabrina.❤️

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Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

Sincere sympathy to you for the loss of your dear cat Sabrina. She died in the place of love and safety all her life with you.


It will a bit before you can feel cheery again, but be comforted by knowing how many of us know your sadness and reach out to lift you up. 


Yes, Sabrina is with her sister, over the bridge, both  playing together in meadows of butterflies,  resting in cozy beds, cuffing and skidding around lots of toys, with God's hand to caress their soft fur.  

Wishing you peace of mind and an easy time of adjustment. 

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Registered: ‎05-30-2010

Re: Rainbow Bridge this eve. for my Sabrina

I am so sorry and feel your pain. I'll be thinking of your sweet beloved pet. Sending my condolences.