Posts: 64
Registered: ‎04-01-2010

Question about new cat and vacation

My hubby and I have taken in a stray cat that was hanging around our neighborhood.  He fits in great with our other cats so there's no problem there.  He started out being outside all the time but he would come in our screened porch to eat.  Since our summer is so hot here in Florida he now comes in and out during the day and stays in at night.  My hubby and I are going out of town for 4 days and my best friend will be checking in on the cats.  She came by the other day to meet Mikey my new cat and since he doesn't know her he acted very weird running from her and then he went outside.  We left for a while and then came back and he was outside but wouldn't come near the door and ran off into the yard.  I was planning on letting him be outside some during the day and have my friend put him in at night but now I'm not sure that will work.  I'm thinking about leaving him inside while we'll gone but he's not used to being in that long and I'm worried about how he'll do inside all day.  I thought I'd come here and get some thoughts from everyone here as to what you think.  I already feel bad about leaving them home alone and now I have Mikey to think about too.  Your thoughts? 

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Re: Question about new cat and vacation

I have to admit, I have a thing about cats being let loose to roam.  That being said, if you must let him outside I would purchase a catio ~ a nice big screened in area where he can be outside enjoying the sights and sounds and be within eyesight.  Then after however much time you allow him out your friend can bring him in, not to menion you will know where he is at all times.  A neighbor down the street lets her cats have free reign over the whole neighborhood.  Long story short, one of her cats was eaten by a coyote.  (I'll spare you the details on how she knows this).  Best of luck!

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Re: Question about new cat and vacation

Please take him to the vet to get neutered and make sure he's had shots.

Cats can stay inside for a couple of days alone with plenty of food, water and a clean litter box.



Posts: 64
Registered: ‎04-01-2010

Re: Question about new cat and vacation

He has been neutered and has had his shots.

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Re: Question about new cat and vacation

Could you fix a place inside where he stays that he could hide from her? Something to get behind or under?

That way he's safe while you are gone and she can just add his water etc and leave him alone.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question about new cat and vacation

My concerns about keeping him inside the whole time would be that he might break litter training or that he bolts for the door when your friend comes to feed the cats.


Is there a way he could be confined inside with a litter box of his own and where he can't bolt?  Your friend would be very sad if Mikey got out on her watch.


Can you keep him inside from now until you travel to see how he reacts? 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question about new cat and vacation

@Munchkincat - First of all, thank you for rescuing the newest member of your family! DH is a veterinarian who does not believe in cats being outside. He will say and has, many times, that cats have no business being outside and nothing good will happen to a cat outside. 


Your situation is unusual. If you had more time before you went away, you could get him used to being inside with your other cats. But if you leave him now with your other cats while you're gone - inside your house - you don't know how he'll react with them when he realizes he can't go out. 


Your other kitties are used to their routine, and your friend has probably taken care of them before. 


If I were you, I would try to leave Mikey at a boarding facility for the four days. I don't think he will come to your friend easily, and if you board him you won't have to worry about him. If you leave with him being outside, you don't know when - or if - he'll return to you. If you decide to board him, you can then bring him INTO your house permanently and teach him he doesn't have to scrounge for food or fend for himself any longer. 


Good luck with whatever you decide! Smiley Happy


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Re: Question about new cat and vacation

Is it possible to board him?



There is a place near where I live that boards only cats, and I have used them several times.


Is there a place like that near you?