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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

@katie1859  I am so sorry.

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

I am so very sorry, @katie1859 !  I lost both of my last two dogs this summer, and you are so right, it leaves the house feeling so empty.  I hope that knowing you spared Sarah from suffering gives you a little peace of mind.  You will be in my prayers.

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

@katie1859 So very sorry.  She was part of your family for a long time. 

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

@katie1859 , it is the hardest job isn't it?  Sending healing thoughts to you.

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

So sorry for your loss,

Pet Loss Journal Beagle: Guided Prompt Keepsake Workbook


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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

I am so sorry for you.  At least you had her for a long time. Soon I will have to make the same decision for my sheltie Teddi.  He was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease early this year and did well for a short while but has now relapsed.  We have made the decision to not do any more treatments as he has not responded well to any.  Right now he is not eating much and what he does eat usually comes back up. He is only a year and a half.

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

@kug - I'm sure your vet has suggested many things, but this triggered a memory for me.  Many years ago, we had a beautiful Golden Retriever with the same issue.


Our initial vet did all kinds of tests and treatments; nothing worked.  We moved and switched to a different vet who asked what we were feeding her.  When we told him, he said we were trying to buy the "best", but that it was too rich for her and suggested the cheapest brand on the market (at that time).  He also said to keep her on the same food; not to switch varieties.


Her issue cleared up immediately and she never suffered from it again.  I think the difference was the original food was too high in protein or maybe fat and the subsequent one was more grain-based.  At least that's how I remember it.


If you haven't tried that, it's worth a go; especially as your Sheltie is so young.  Prayers being said for you and Teddi.  Heart

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Posts: 141
Registered: ‎02-11-2012

Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

We have taken Teddi to a State Veterinary College where he was diagnosed.  He cannot have any type of protein.  I am glad the change worked for you.  Unfortunately that is not an option for us.  Thank you for your kind words

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Registered: ‎04-10-2010

Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

@katie1859  I'm sorry for your loss.



Posts: 34
Registered: ‎01-10-2024

Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

This has to be the toughest goodbye. Have peace knowing you ended her suffering.
I'm sorry. We went through this with our friend Toby a long time ago. The memories you have will help you through it.