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a few weeks ago my granddaughter's dachshund had puppies. They were all boys. I think there were 12. I could be wrong about that tho.

  • 1000014318.jpg
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Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies

Unicorn Cute Glitter -
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Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies

Wow, that's a big litter......very cute 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies

Well how are you going to resist getting one?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Registered: ‎01-04-2011

Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies

HeartSuch a sweet and heartwarming picture all snuggled up to a cozy fire. To be so content and at peace.Heart

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Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies

@monicakm   I'm smiling...nothing like puppies!!!

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Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies

What angels!


I would have to bring one home immediately!!


Such happiness and peace...Heart

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Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies



Not hard resisting the puppies.  I have two 65ish lbs big dogs.  Got all the dog we can manage at this time Smiley Happy


I found a couple more photos.


even more.jpg 

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Posts: 528
Registered: ‎01-04-2011

Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies

@monicakm Not only are these beautiful puppies and gorgeous photos... it's such a heartwarming scene! Lounging puppies awwww.  But LOL to your two big babies taking up all your time, such cuties you have! At least you can smile at these pictures. Thanks for sharing!Heart

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Opal And One of Her Puppies



Right now I could wring both of my dog's necks.  I can let Frankie out of the pasture and she'll go right to the back door.  I have to lead the heathen Dingo by the collar so he doesn't make a run for it.  I don't know what happened tonight.  It was all a blur.  I don't think I did anything different but somehow Howie got away from me and the dog that acts like he's on his last leg, took off like a rocket.  Frankie followed.  I called for her and she stopped and considered coming back...then thought better of it and followed the Heathen.  This hasn't happened in months and months.  DH learned what to do when it does happen.  He fires his shotgun in the air and Howie magically appears (yes, he's been shot before).  If I call DH, (he's 2 hours away hunting) he's going to worry about Howie and he won't let me shoot the rifle (I don't want to shoot it anyway).  My fear is Howie will get winded and can't move or die or drown.  I can hear him barking.  I can't call for him, he can't hear and wouldn't come if he could hear.  So I have to worry he won't hear a car coming and get run over Smiley Sad  I better go see if I can do anything else.