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My west highland will not drink water from a bowl unless there is ice floating.  My mother who passed in 2016 spoiled him , if he walks up there and there is no ice, he will give you the death stare.  He also runs to wipe his mouth on his bed after he gets his drink.  Toby will also spin when you come home from errands until you pick him up and give him his hug.  What are some things your baby does to impress?, 

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I swear my cat can tell time.  I have an auto feeder.  Next to it is a double bowl of water.

A few minutes before the food drops,  he sits in front of the water bowl, swipe his paws in the water, licks each paw until he hears his food dropping.

After eating, he will lay down in front of his water bowls & drink from each bowl.  I have never seen him drink water standing up.








"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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@Boomernichols -

Oh so cute!!

My biggest one would come running everytime he heard me get ice out of the freezerSmiley Happy

He could hear from rooms away and loved to chomp on the iceSmiley HappyHeart

Our girl would hold one of her toys in her mouth greeting you as you came to the door, wagging her tail so fast it was like a whip! You know, "I'm so excited! I've haven't seen you for 2 minutes!"Woman LOL

And our oldest just was the most loving dog anyone had ever met!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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My dog will not drink water with anyone in the room and if anyone walks in on her drinking she will run out.  She also will not play and rip apart a toy unless my SO is  there.  She will play tug of war or frisbee with me outside but will not play with me inside unless SO is there to.

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Our Springer Spaniel will not drink water in the kitchen anymore. We had to put his water dish in the hallway. And the water has to come from the refrigerator, if I fill it from the faucet, he won't drink it. The other day my husband and I were sitting on the deck by the pool and we heard this weird noise in the pool shed. After the third time, I got up to see what it was. It was Zeke trying to hit the button on the Polar water dispenser. Pretty good for an almost blind dog!

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@NEvans2 -

What a sweetie pie! I feel the same way-only water from the refrigerator and yes, pretty smart to chose the dispenser! You go Zeke!Heart

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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My puppy will only drink ice water.  If he doesn't see ice cubes in his water he starts crying until he gets a fresh bowl of ice water.  Naturally I give in every time.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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My goofy little girl won't go potty (#2) if your there and watching. She will go behind a bush or somewhere to hide. We call her the "private pooper"!! :-) 



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Squish Toby for me - that Westie sounds PERFECT the way he is!!!!!

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I once had a cat that grew up with my GSD and drank from her very large water bowl.  Once my dog passed I tried a "normal" size water bowl for the cat but he would have nothing to do with it.  Had to go back to the giant water bowl for the remainder of the cat's life in spite of trying numerous times to downsize the water bowl.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.