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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

Have you tested for Radon gas?

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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

I'm so sorry for your many losses and stresses.  You've gotten many good suggestions to look into.  Another couple of things to consider,  although not as common these days, is if there is a smoker in the house or do they burn candles or incense?  The second hand smoke and soot settles out of the air onto the fur and the cat ingests it when grooming.  Also white cats are more susceptable to sun burn/ skin cancers of the face and ears than those with pigment.  Just a couple more things to check.    I wish peace for you all.

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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

i lost track of which daughter.  two i think?  (sorry i dont know what lbi daughter is). But only onehas had the cats with oral cancer (there are several types btw), is that right?  Is there smoking in the house?  New carpet installed? Use of pesticides?  What brand litter do they use?  These are things i would look at.

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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

@LilacTree wrote:

@January121 wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:

My youngest daughter had to put her girl Macy down yesterday . . . cause oral cancer.  She lost another girl years ago to oral cancer, and lost her brightest star, Minou (whom I wrote about here) to cancer (not oral) a couple of years ago.  I posted a photo of Macy embracing Minou's urn, some of you may remember.


This morning my LBI daughter had to bring her cat to the vet to be put down . . . oral cancer also.  He was young, not older as the other three were.  I am wondering what it is with cats and oral cancer, since three out of the four had it.


My youngest daughter has just two kittens left now (fully grown now, but just barely). 

@LilacTree ..... Hi .... so sorry about the cats .... I love animals so I know how your daughter must feel .... you mentioned " my LBI daughter" .... does your daughter live on Long Beach Island in NJ? .... the only reason I am asking is that I own a home on LBI in NJ .... I do not think that the oral cancer in the cats is a coincidence .... something in the water, food or the house/appartment that she is living in is causing the problem ... your daughter should ask the township to check the water that is supplied to the house & I would also go one step further and have the ground around the house checked for chemicals, gases etc.,

I only feed my fur baby natural food that is human grade ... any food that comes from China is definitely out of the question .... if she lives in NJ there are two great animal hospitals on exists 102 & 109 on the Garden State Pkwy .... Because so many of the cats came down with the cancer I would not trust a local vet in that area to just be saying it is a coincidence ... good luck!!

Nice to meet you, January.  Yes, my LBI daughter has lived on Long Beach Island for well over twenty years.  Both of her daughters were born there.  She lived in Beach Haven for a long time, now she is living in Long Beach Twp.  Three of my four daughters have lived on the Island over the years.  My oldest daughter owns a home in Loveladies.


My LBI daughter works as an IT at Meridian which SOCH is now a part of.  She's been there for almost 17 years, and they now service six hospitals up and down the coast.  Wish I could tell you her name, you may know each other.


In what community is your home located?


@LilacTree ...What a small world! .... my house is on the north end of LBI in North Beach which is also part of Long Beach Township... I have been there for 19 years and just love it!!!! ..... my house is an oceanfront & it received quite a bit of damage from Hurricane Sandy ... we are now waiting for beach replenishment in the spring. It was very nice to meet you ... I hope everything works out with the cats & the true cause of what happened to them comes to light.


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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

@NYwoman wrote:

Have you tested for Radon gas?

@NYwoman ..... very good question ... I was going to suggest that myself but, she lives on an island which is built on sand so I don't know if there is radon in the sand under the house?

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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

  These oral cancers can be very aggressive so it is important that cats be examined by a vet more often than many of us do.  When caught early and surgically removed the outcome can be positive.  I need to get my second cat in for her annual  exam in a couple of months.  Its hard to remember to do when they seem so healthy.  

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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

@LilacTree wrote:

@lolakimono wrote:


Sorry for your  loss.Cat Sad

My two questions would be:

1) What has she been feeding them?

2) What kinds of dishes is she using for food/water?

Lolakimono, she has looked into everything, she even had the carpet tested and her IKEA sofa for formaldehyde.  The vet told her it's just a coincidence.  And my LBI daughter . . . there's no explanation for him either. 


I am in the process of researching it now.  She has already done so, and she's too upset right now to do it again.  She did say if the same thing happens to the kittens, she's going to start being suspicious of PetSmart.  She volunteers there and except for her first two girls, Zoey and Minou, she adopts her cats from them. 


Add to that, my girls are losing their father, who lives in CA and is now in in-home hospice on morphine.  He has had five strokes and two heart attacks in the last 15 years and survived them all.  Not this time, he isn't even being given water.  He wants to go, he has refused everything.


No happy 2016 for us so far.

What could Petsmart have to do with it? It's not like they breed cats for sale, they just host cats from rescue groups. 

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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

@January121 wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:

@January121 wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:

My youngest daughter had to put her girl Macy down yesterday . . . cause oral cancer.  She lost another girl years ago to oral cancer, and lost her brightest star, Minou (whom I wrote about here) to cancer (not oral) a couple of years ago.  I posted a photo of Macy embracing Minou's urn, some of you may remember.


This morning my LBI daughter had to bring her cat to the vet to be put down . . . oral cancer also.  He was young, not older as the other three were.  I am wondering what it is with cats and oral cancer, since three out of the four had it.


My youngest daughter has just two kittens left now (fully grown now, but just barely). 

@LilacTree ..... Hi .... so sorry about the cats .... I love animals so I know how your daughter must feel .... you mentioned " my LBI daughter" .... does your daughter live on Long Beach Island in NJ? .... the only reason I am asking is that I own a home on LBI in NJ .... I do not think that the oral cancer in the cats is a coincidence .... something in the water, food or the house/appartment that she is living in is causing the problem ... your daughter should ask the township to check the water that is supplied to the house & I would also go one step further and have the ground around the house checked for chemicals, gases etc.,

I only feed my fur baby natural food that is human grade ... any food that comes from China is definitely out of the question .... if she lives in NJ there are two great animal hospitals on exists 102 & 109 on the Garden State Pkwy .... Because so many of the cats came down with the cancer I would not trust a local vet in that area to just be saying it is a coincidence ... good luck!!

Nice to meet you, January.  Yes, my LBI daughter has lived on Long Beach Island for well over twenty years.  Both of her daughters were born there.  She lived in Beach Haven for a long time, now she is living in Long Beach Twp.  Three of my four daughters have lived on the Island over the years.  My oldest daughter owns a home in Loveladies.


My LBI daughter works as an IT at Meridian which SOCH is now a part of.  She's been there for almost 17 years, and they now service six hospitals up and down the coast.  Wish I could tell you her name, you may know each other.


In what community is your home located?


@LilacTree ...What a small world! .... my house is on the north end of LBI in North Beach which is also part of Long Beach Township... I have been there for 19 years and just love it!!!! ..... my house is an oceanfront & it received quite a bit of damage from Hurricane Sandy ... we are now waiting for beach replenishment in the spring. It was very nice to meet you ... I hope everything works out with the cats & the true cause of what happened to them comes to light.


They've already replenished the beach on the street where my daughter now lives.  It will take some time to get used to, as it is a much longer walk to the ocean. 


My fear is that they will do all of this reconstruction and another "Sandy" will come along and destroy it all.  I know my daughter will stay there until the Island sinks.  Her home in Beach Haven at the time did not suffer except for the log fence around the property, which was a large corner lot on a higher point of the Island.  That house was sold and then torn down by its new NYC owner.  They are in the process of building a brand new one on stilts.  All memories gone, she still can't bring herself to go down that street.


Happy New Year to you and yours as well.  If you live there year-round, I will bet you know my daughter. 

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease

@January121 wrote:

@NYwoman wrote:

Have you tested for Radon gas?

@NYwoman ..... very good question ... I was going to suggest that myself but, she lives on an island which is built on sand so I don't know if there is radon in the sand under the house?

Both of these daughters live on second floors, one on the Island, and the other in a town up here (NJ suburbs of Philly).  Both rent.  The cats were put down one day after the other.  They can't possibly have anything to do with each other, being 55 miles apart and never having had any contact.


I will see my youngest daughter today and perhaps she will be able to talk about it, but probably not.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Now four family cats lost to the same disease



I've read that feline oral cancer has a possible link to peridontal disease in cats.


You can do further research about feline oral cancer if you google Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine.  Type in "feline oral cancer" and some articles will come up.


Here's a link to the website:


I'm very sorry about the loss of your daughters kitty.  Hopefully you will find out what is causing this so that it can be prevented in the future.