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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Nicest visitor this morning!!!

Haven't been feeding my hummers for TWO SUMMERS since we've been caring for a pathetic little feral with questionable manners, but this morning, I'm sitting at my kitchen table and who comes right up to my window but a big (2" LOL) lady hummer!


She hovers in my window for about one full minute!


So I got the message! I've hung 2 feeders high up in my window so that I can keep an eye on things and be sure that Kitties and Birdies are playing nice. 


Can't wait to see how many hummers will come!



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Registered: ‎06-23-2014

Re: Nicest visitor this morning!!!

I'm so frustrated. I was seeing at least one a day until I hung up a feeder. Haven't had one since!


Hope you have better luck. They are so cool!

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: Nicest visitor this morning!!!

There are periods when you won't see hummers as much at your feeders.  I think it's when the female is on the nest and the male is gathering food (i.e. insects) for the folks at home rather than nectar.

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Posts: 8,970
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Nicest visitor this morning!!!

It's taken from Monday 'till now, but there have been three Sweetie visits within the last hour!!!!


Hope she tells the gang at home that the Fountain is Open, and hope they bring their Fellahs too!

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Posts: 22,855
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Nicest visitor this morning!!!

violann wrote:

It's taken from Monday 'till now, but there have been three Sweetie visits within the last hour!!!!


Hope she tells the gang at home that the Fountain is Open, and hope they bring their Fellahs too!


You might not get too many, if any, more gals or guys at your feeder this summer because it's getting late in the season.  Depending on where you live, hummies will soon be preparing for migration.  (Which makes them extra voracious!)


But do put out feeding stations for them next year because she will more than likely return, with friends!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,970
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Nicest visitor this morning!!!

[ Edited ]

UPDATE- I am happy to report that I have one good sized female coming to my feeder a couple times most days.


"Feral" has not appeared to pay any attention to her, so I will hang a feeder on April 1, 2016 and see what happens.....