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Re: Nationwide Pet Insurance

@Foxxee , thank you SO much for sharing your experiences.  I can tell that you did your homework with this company and tried to cover all your bases.  I would have a bad taste in my mouth, too, if the company covered a lesser amount for a situation because both things were done on the same day instead of separate days.  To me, that just shows that they try to get out of paying for something...policy or not.  

We're not sure what the plan/price offerings will be, yet.  We will know in October.  I had just already done some research into the company and wasn't liking what I was reading.  Most of the complaints have come since Nationwide took over.  But like I told another poster, many don't write reviews when things go well...only when they go bad, so that is why I wanted to reach out to the people on the Pet Lovers board.

When we can find out more information, I will definitely check out the cancer coverage, as all of our dogs have died from some type of cancer.  I read on one review site that dogs aged 10 and over aren't eligible for coverage, so that will rule out one of mine if it's true.  We will see on the other how things shake out, but I think we will probably pass on it.

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Re: Nationwide Pet Insurance

@Ainhisg"I am wanting to know if claims are honored and paid promptly."

Check them out on the BBB website if you have not already done so.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Nationwide Pet Insurance

was told by my previous vet that most pet insurance co. do not provided good coverage for what the every day owner needs.    They may cover common basic needs but not major coverage.  I would say continue as you have been.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 881
Registered: ‎04-25-2011

Re: Nationwide Pet Insurance

I would not recommend Nationwide Pet Insurance. Insured my Gracie (Jack Russell mix) from the time she was 3 months old--adopted her from a shelter---because she had a cough, right away they told me that anything respiratory would be considered a pre-existing condition and they will not cover any vet visits for that--I had to send them her medical records--her cough turned out to be nothing--maybe an allergy--but they still refused to cover any respirtory issues.The premiums kept increasing as she aged. I was paying $110 a month and they covered very little--Gracie had a sensitive tummy and was at the vet a lot for that--she always needed an antibiotic to stem the problem--I was told they will only cover two vet vists per year for intestinal problems. Then Gracie acquired arthitis in her knee--as most older dogs do--I opted to have her go through laser therapy instead of surgery--$75 per visit for six visits--Nationwide covered NOTHING, telling me that arthritis being treated by laser is something they don't cover! So--they'd rather cover 80% of what they approve for major surgery on her knee(costing $2000+)--but refused to cover anything of the $450 the laser procedures cost--makes zero sense. I paid for the treatments out of pocket and they worked beautifully--my baby avoided surgery and her knee healed--and yet I was still paying a hefty premium every month. After that I decided to drop the coverage--and put money away every month for Gracie's vet bills. Gracie passed away last year--we adopted a rescue Chihuahua in November. The shelter asked me if I would like an application to buy pet insurnace through Nationwide--I said NO THANKS--I'll do my best to set aside money for his bills. And that is what I'm doing. I wasted a lot of money on pet insurance--plus the stress of arguing with them constantly about coverage. Life is too short to waste fighting with them over something like this--my advice? Put money away in a seperate bank account for your fur baby's bills. Good luck!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Nationwide Pet Insurance

@Gracies Mom , thank you so much for your thoughtful reply.  I read your response to my husband, and we have decided that we're not interested in the insurance at all.  We currently put $200 per month in a savings account to be only used for our dogs, and we have a few thousand built up in it.  We are blessed that should something catastrophic occur, we have additional monies that we can use, as well.  Thanks, again, to you and everyone who replied!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,387
Registered: ‎05-18-2017

Re: Nationwide Pet Insurance

@Ainhisg  - My employer offers pet insurance and I am thinking about purchasing it during open enrollment this coming November.   I've got 3 babies and vet bills can get rather costly!