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Posts: 2,066
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: My sweetie girl, Jez, died today

@Squirrels Are Trash 


So sorry Sweetie. I am so saddened to read about the loss of your sweet love Jez.Heart


These little creatures can sure become such a huge part of our hearts and souls. Sounds like you 2 shared a very special bond. Every dog should be loved the way you loved Jez. 

Unfortunately their lives are much too short and when they leave they take with them a huge chunk of our hearts. 


When I lost my first dog I was devastated more than I've ever been devastated before. I know some people didn't understand and thought I was crazy when I equated the loss with the loss of losing a child. I don't have children so my dogs are my children and I'm closer to them than I am any other person (other than my husband). So the sorrow was deep and very raw for awhile. I still cry and am crying now writing this but believe me there will come a time when you smile more than cry thinking about the sweet memories of Jez.

Take care of yourself and I know you don't want to think about it now but one day when you feel open to it please consider bringing another little love into your life. Adopting my second dog was the most healing thing I did for myself after the loss of my first love.

Sending you big hugsHeart






"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Registered: ‎09-11-2022

Re: My sweetie girl, Jez, died today



Thank you for this. These little creatures have a way of getting into your heart.


Right now I am going thru all the firsts without her. Everyone brings 😭. You know how you don't think you can cry anymore, yet you can't stop crying......


I appreciate your kindness. Have a great rest of your weekend.

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Posts: 2,066
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: My sweetie girl, Jez, died today

@Squirrels Are Trash 


You are welcome. Hang in there...



"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz