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Percy is now at the emergency vet for the night.  He had 2 seizures only a few minutes apart tonight.


We had him to his regular vet about 10 days ago, after he had the second seizure.  The first was about a month prior.  Vet said if they were only about once a month that she would not recommend treatment.  Well, he had 2 only a few minutes apart this evening.


They are going to keep him, start an IV, and give him some phenobarbital.  He had extensive blood work a couple weeks ago that was all normal.  So, he will either have to be seen again by his vet, or she will probably prescribe phenobarbital for him.  Cost is pretty high for emergency vet already at $300.  Not my biggest concern, but we spent hundreds recently on Iris having a severe eye infection and surgery to remove it.


When it rains, it pours!



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Registered: ‎06-26-2014

Re: My kitty had more seizures

Dang @hyacinth003 - what could be causing those. Sending healing thoughts your way. I hate when our furry friends have health issues; it's a powerless feeling.

Do let us know what the vet says about Percy.


How is Iris getting along with just her one eye?


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Registered: ‎01-22-2013

Re: My kitty had more seizures

I will included your furbabies in my prayers.  I am sure by watching your vet will be able to evaluate Percy and find a way to stop or control his seizures.  They are our children and we do everything we can to give them a long life full of love.


Iris will adjust quickly to her 1 eye.   We had a Britney Spaniel whose owner no longer wanted him because he thought he could not hunt with 1 eye.  Freckles was a wonderful dog.  We took him to our vet and all went well.  Freckles only problem was he was easily startled by people who suddenly appeared on his blind side.  Each fall when he hunted we had to use eye drops to keep his eyes moist but he loved to hunt so my husband took him.  He lived a long life with us.   I now have a Maltese grandpuppy.  He went blind before his first birthday.  The breeder offered to give my son a new puppy but of course that offer was not accepted.  Our little furbaby is now 3 and doing great.  The family parks cars, etc in the same spot, does not rearrange furniture and his big furry sister guides and plays with him outside.   He is very independent and Iris will learn to be also given time.

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Re: My kitty had more seizures

@hyacinth003, so sorry to hear about Percy's seizures.  Percy is in my prayers, as is Iris and her continued recovery and adjusting.

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Re: My kitty had more seizures

Image result for sending  prayers to a pet pics

Honored Contributor
Posts: 12,295
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: My kitty had more seizures little girl used to have seizures.  I weened her off the awful meds she was on and she outgrew the seizures.  Much love and healing being sent to you and your precious Percy.

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Registered: ‎02-04-2014

Re: My kitty had more seizures


My heart is heavy as I read your post....I hope when you bring Percy home from the vet, that he is showing signs of complete recovery.    Cats hold a special place in my heart too~!

Image result for kitty paw print


Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎08-30-2015

Re: My kitty had more seizures

@hyacinth003 Sending hugs, kisses & healing prayers for Percy, and for you Hyacinth, please keep us updated!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,997
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: My kitty had more seizures

@sandraskates wrote:

Dang @hyacinth003 - what could be causing those. Sending healing thoughts your way. I hate when our furry friends have health issues; it's a powerless feeling.

Do let us know what the vet says about Percy.


How is Iris getting along with just her one eye?


Iris is getting along well.  However, she seems to be more wary of us.  It may be she is still getting used to having one eye.  I make sure to say something as I approach her so as not to startle her.


Funny story - we got a delivery last week in a larger box.  We haven't been able to get rid of it because one Iris keeps occupying it!  So I guess we'll keep the box as long as she wants it!



Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,997
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: My kitty had more seizures

Percy spent the night at the emergency vet.  They gave him phenobarbital.  He had no seizures overnight.


He was then taken to his vet.  He is staying for the day.  I believe the plan is to start him on phenobarbital every day now.


My daughter was there when it happened.  He started seizing on the bed and we didn't get to him quickly enough to stop him from flipping off the bed.  He landed with a loud thud on the floor.  She just feels awful that happened.  I think she now understands about protecting him from injuring himself if one happens.


Percy is a big, strong, boy and I am not looking forward to medicating him.  We may be able to get medicine that applies to the inside of the ear.  I tried that with another cat and it irritated her ear and she lost her hair around it.

