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Re: My cat Bill is Getting Treated For His Thyroid

@momtochloe I don't know if you ever saw it but I once posted I named Bill after my late husband and Katie after my daughter.


My daughter goes crazy when she visits and I call Katie the cat.  Ha!

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Re: My cat Bill is Getting Treated For His Thyroid

I just saw where QVC removed the post I did.  What?  I thought it was OK to do that (I KNOW I've done that in the past as have others), as long as it wasn't in any competition with QVC as in clothes, etc.


This is the name of a thyroid center that takes care of CATS!  Good grief.


The name of the place is called that going to be deleted.  I think often some jump the gun (so to speak) as far as deleting posts.



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Re: My cat Bill is Getting Treated For His Thyroid

@Annabellethecat66 Aw yes the worry us pet parents go through when our fur children have to stay at the vet, thankfully anytime this has happened the staff have been more then gentle with me as they know how much they mean to us.


It sounds as if Bill is in very good hands, I would tell you not to worry but I know you will anyway, so in the meantime I will hold you and Bill in my heart and prayers and pray that the next 4 days go by fast for your sake.


Just think of all the cuddling you and Bill have to look forward to when he comes home, take care!

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Re: My cat Bill is Getting Treated For His Thyroid

Oh @Annabellethecat66 no I had not seen that post . . . how even more special your furbabies are! . . . oh goodness that brings tears to my eyes . . . Heart

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Re: My cat Bill is Getting Treated For His Thyroid

All of you are so kind.  I knew if I posted here you guys would make me feel better.  


Right now he'd be sitting on my chest (yes, he sits there...) and happy as a lark.


He was on special food because as I said, he'd had a kidney infection.  I had to bring his food and something with my scent on it for him to sleep with.


My friend was laughing so hard when I said to her:  "So I guess putting one of my shoes in the cage is out?"  Ha!  Actually, I was so wigged out for a few days about my scent, I kept putting on one of my old shirts I wear around the house and I'm the biggest slob in the world.  Everything I eat ends up on my chest and stomach.  So, I had to keep changing my shirts.  


There are so many rules at first when I bring him home (like using gloves when I change the litter box, etc) for awhile....


If I was pregnant, I wouldn't be able to do it (the pamphlet says).  I'll be glad when it's over....I know you guys will be glad too so you can stop seeing me post about it....Ha!

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: My cat Bill is Getting Treated For His Thyroid

Oh @Annabellethecat66 we always look forward to your posts and right now are focused on Bill getting better and getting home to sit on your unfortunately vacant chest . . . I think we all know on this forum what it's like to tend to a furball that is not at it's best so please post away as we are here to help!  Heart

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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: My cat Bill is Getting Treated For His Thyroid

Please kiss your fur babies forom me, their loving Aunt....., and  I wish you more success!


Levi works well with a little amount of tuna packed in water with meds.  Their was a $1 a can sale!  Yeahhhhhhh!  I stocked up!