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Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

SeaMaiden, I am so sorry for your loss! 

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Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

@SeaMaiden I am so sorry for your loss, , I pray that you eventually can find comfort and remember all the wonerful times you you had together, may he RIP!

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Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

[ Edited ]

@lovemyparrot   I always worried about my birds  getting outside... I had nightmares of  about that...... I can only imagine that  it must have been horrible worrying about your cockatiel  and that you still do wonder and feel sad.


. Just to ease your  soul abit...


, about 15 ago we found a male cockatiel outside one warm summer evening.... he was so tired and worn out... I put him in a cage and he just sat on the bottom of the cage for several days sleeping eating and drinking.   I did try to find his owner.... I listed finding him on craigs list and walked about the neighbor hood randomly asking and mentioning I found him.  No response. I heard that they are very good flyers and can fly for  many many miles at a time so who knows where he came from.


 We still have this cockatiel!  I named him Charlie.   At least with my sweet Nibbles gone I do have Charlie, but, there is a missing element to the room without Nibbles.


Charlie is sweet.  I feel so fortunate to have found him and let him live.   So just know that your sweet Cockatiel   that got out side most likely found a loving home,  I always wonder who had Charlie and who taught him his words he speaks and the little tricks he does. Your baby is most likely in someone's home being loved and cared for. I hope this gives you a bit of piece of mind. 

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Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

Thank you SeaMaiden for your sweet and kind words about our dear little Bunky.  Sorry, I don't know how to tag you in this - so I hope you see this reply. 

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Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

@SeaMaiden  Oh,  I am so sorry for your loss.  

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

@SeaMaiden  Oh my, how is Charlie doing?  They feel it too.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

@SeaMaiden, I am saddened to hear about your sweet little bird. It is so difficult to say good by to a beloved pet, and I feel your pain. I hope the days ahead will be easier for you along the way. 



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Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

Bless Your heart!  We all love our babies!


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Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

So sorry for you....

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My Cockatial 25 years old is gone...😪

That seems like a long time for a pet to live.  Sorry your buddy is gone.  Those days after a pet dies can be difficult.