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Re: My Cat Has Disappeared

[ Edited ]

Always have hope!

I said in a earlier post..that I sat outside for hours running the electric can opener..he did come back.My neighbors thought I was nuts!


Being a softy we had a few strays that kind of lived in the garage..We left it partly open so they could come and go..They were fed 2x a day..there was a litter box in there..DH made cat-condos on shelving with blankets  for the winter.Whoever stayed went to my vet to be "fixed".


There was one kitty that disappeared  for a couple of monrths..Low and behold one day he just showed up..with stitches in his ear..Someone must have taken him to the vet!..My kids called him the "mayor"..

We took him in the house.At that time our vet said he was about 15 or so.. judging by that he lived until he was 23!.

So Do not give up!!..Maybe someone has hin inside..Now I'm not trying to be funny..maybe he joined a "kitty cult" like I had in my garage.


I check here everyday  hoping for "good News"! 

@Scooty wrote:

Newtoallthis - another inspiring story.  This has started my day off with hope.  It may take time but I still have hope.  Thank you.


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Guess who's sitting on my lap!  I'm crying happy happy tears.  Bootsy is home.  I glanced out my back door about two hours ago and thought I saw a kitty run away.  I thought it might be one of the homeless but then they both went to my neighbor's porch  behind me and were looking at something under the porch.  So I had to check it out and couldn't believe I was looking at Bootsy.  She was behind the lattice and it took me an hour to convince her to come out.   She lost weight but she's purring and beautiful.  I want to tell each one of you how much your words meant to me.  I read each post several times a day holding on to all your stories and good thoughts.  We are all strangers to each other but what a blessing you were to me.  I did get a miracle.


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YAY!  I'm so happy for you!  I didn't even read all your post, but just wanted to let you know how relieved I am for you. !

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@Scooty I couldn't be any happier for you.  I checked day after day with no good news and tonight we all got our miracle.  Thanks for the great news.

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God answers prayers!  I'm so happy for you and Bootsy!   I know how you feel!  It warms my heart that so many people love their pets so much and cared.

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@ScootyI am so glad for you. FINALLY!


I liked reading the stories that people wrote and told you not to give up. And their cats showed up after much time. And now you have your own story to tell.


Enjoy your time together. And have a chat with that little trouble maker. And make her promise she will not put you through all that heartache again.

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Congratulations that you're reunited with Sweet Bootsy.  Miracles do happen, this is just one of them, but a very important one.  I hope she's showering you with loving licks.  Just to let you know she's thrilled to be with you.  You'll both be content sleeping tonight.  Heart

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@Scooty - I am SO happy! Today was a sad day for me, and I just logged on to see your post! I immediately felt better! I knew Bootsy would find her way back to you! How wonderful! I doubt she'll ever think about running away from home for a while again. And now she is safe and warm and getting her favorite food while Mom spoils her. What a blessed kitty! 


@Marceil - You said it all. He listens to everyone!  Smiley Happy


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Oh my gosh @Scooty!

I am crying. I am so so happy for you and Bootsy!💞

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Read these posts every day hoping that Bootsy was home. I am SO happy for you and Bootsy !!!!!