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@Scooty , I just saw this...I hate when things like this can be maddening.   I wish I could help you, or comfort you, but I see your doing everything right and possible.  Keep up the search and always have hope!!  Sorry your dealing with praying Bootsy shows up!!

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I was so hoping your baby was found by now. Please don't lose heart. They stay gone so long sometimes and come back safe. I have a friend that had a lost cat for a month or more. She showed up one day fine and hasn't gone anywhere since. Hoping and praying you find Bootsy happy and safe very soon. I wish I could go help you look for her. Heart

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Everyone is praying that Bootsy finds her way home ....  



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A neighbor who lives on the next block came to my door this evening.  She wanted to walk with me to look for Bootsy.  I don't know her other than to wave as she goes by.  So we checked the entire community, front and back yards calling for Bootsy, checking under decks, porches, talking to anyone we came across.  Nothing,   It has been bitterly, bitterly cold out.  It's worse than a January night. We were frozen.  I think if it were summer I wouldn't be feeling so depressed.


I've been spending hours googling how to find a missing cat, when to give up looking, stories of cats who've returned home after weeks or months.


So what I've learned from every single website is to never never give up looking for a lost cat.  That cats who are lost are not thinking like a human.  They aren't thinking I better get home where it's warm and safe.  They go into survival mode - how do I survive out here - and they are very good at survival.  That if they are "hiding" they may not come out even if they hear a familiar voice.  That cats have excellent homing abilities and can detect food and familiar scents from a great distance.  That many times lost cats just show up at home.  It could take weeks or even months.  

So I'm  trying to hold on to positive thoughts.  I so appreciate everyone's posts.  I read them over and over again.  But I am so so sad.

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sending (((hugs))) to you Scooty. 



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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

@Scooty Thanks for not giving up. I get so excited when I see that you posted. And keep hoping you have good news to report.


It was nice that a neighbor has helped you in the hunt.  Hope tomorrow you have good news to report.

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Registered: ‎09-14-2010

I keep checking in hoping Bootsy has come back. It must be terribly hard going through this.  We are all hoping and praying for you.  Much love to you and Bootsys safe return. X

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

What a kind thing for your neighbor to help you like that! Looks like you have made a new friend! God bless you both. Keeping you in my prayers that Bootsy comes home soon. I too look for updates daily. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Thanks for updating us. I keep praying. Maybe with spring and warmer weather she'll be more likely to come out more- if she is hiding somewhere. I'm not giving up hope! I'm glad you're doing everything possible to find her too!  

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010



That was very kind of your neighbor to do that.  And the more you walk around the area, the more your scent is in the air .... and who knows?    I think it's possible that if Bootsy is nearby and smells Mommy, it might motivate her to try follow what she is picking up.  


I know how hard this is, but the fact that pets show up long after people thought they were gone forever can give us hope.   Heart


Fingers crossed.