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I got 2 rescues 2 and a half years ago.  My beautiful big girl is now 5 1/2 and the little one that she thinks is her baby is 2 1/2.  I had to take my big girl to the vet yesterday which was very traumatic.  She fought tooth and nail not to get into her carrier and screamed  and howled the whole way over and back.  She has allergies--we recently had the outside of the house power-washed and all the carpets inside cleaned--and the vet thinks she may be allergic to one of the cleaners.  Anyway, before the vet, these 2 were inseparable.  Big girl even lets the baby suckle off of her, even though nothing comes out.  Well since she got home, the baby is hissing at her ..viciously.  Big girl had a couple of shots and vet put some medicine on her that got on the bedspread.  Little girl started hissing at the bedspread!!!!  Is this normal?  How long will this last?  Breaks my heart to see them not curled in a ball together.

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BOOTSANNE      Whenever I took one of my 2 cats to the vet the other one would hiss and avoid him for about a day or so.  The cat has new odors on him and since everytning is scents and odors it throws them off. Don't worry things will be back to normal. Felinemom

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It's pretty normal for that to happen. The cat has comes back with foreign smells on them. Either from medication, office staff or other pets. They generally get over it within a day or two. 

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I agree with felinemom and Jax'sMom as I've had to deal with this same matter in the past (I have five kitties..all rescues).


Give it a few days for the strange odors/scents to dissipate and your girls should be besties once again.Cat Happy


Please post back with an update.



All of my children have paws =^..^=