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I fell asleep on my couch the other night, and when I woke up, my cat was curled up in the crook of one my arms and snuggled in so cute. I didn't want to get up cuz she was so sweet & didn't want to wake her


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@cookinfreak wrote:

I fell asleep on my couch the other night, and when I woke up, my cat was curled up in the crook of one my arms and snuggled in so cute. I didn't want to get up cuz she was so sweet & didn't want to wake her


@cookinfreak  🐈🐱💛

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Many stiff necks making sure the pets were comfortable.  


We had a small dog that would sit on my DH's outstretched legs (couch to coffee table). He'd be in pain but wouldn't disturb the pup.

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@cookinfreak - We have 4. Isn't it great that they can give us so much unconditional love and happiness? They are so sweet when they curl up with us. We have one who lets out a big sigh once in a while when he naps. And it's so cute to watch them dream and meow a little bit and twitch!

They do bring so much to our lives. Enjoy your kitty!  Smiley Happy



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It is such a joy.  They are so precious.

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So nice you have your sweet kitty 🐱 

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@cookinfreak Our precious animals....they give us comfort, joy, laughter, and unconditional love.  

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I'll second everything that's been said so far.  I love all three of my cats and each of them has a distinct personality.  But one thing they share is the affection and love they give and how they can make me smile on the most ordinary day.


Two are getting on in years and I don't want to think about that.  Right now, because I'm in the office, they're curled up on the floor and chairs around me.  If I go to another room, they'll follow.


And one (a Tortie) even tells me off, if she decides I'm staying up too late.  She'll meow at me and give me "that look" until I head to bed - then she follows me and curls up next to me.  Heart

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How cute!  That's the kind of stuff wonderful memories are made from.  Wishing you many more cuddles together.  Cat Very Happy  

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I've loved each and every one of the cats I've had throughout my life. Now I'm down to just one and love him dearly.