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Henry had a couple of knots that I couldn't brush or comb out.  I had to cut them out.  I am going to start brushing him every day to try to prevent them in the future.  He has a bare spot on his back now.  I feel awful about it.  He has a Vet appt. in two weeks, and I'm embarassed that the Vet will see his bare spot.


He has medium hair.  Why do cats get knots?  Does it mean he isn't grooming himself well enough?  The knots were on his back.  He's about a year and a half old.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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@NickNack The last cat late DH and I had was a short/medium haired cat and we (meaning I ha ha) brushed her every single day.


Could be Henry just can't reach that one spot so it's best to brush him daily! Our Abbie got to LOVE being brushed and she would jump up to where her brush was and sit by it to let me know it was "that time"!


Just explain to the vet, who I'm sure has seen this before Woman Happy

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Grayson is medium to long haired and he gets knots on his hips and back. I’m always brushing him.


In July, I took both boys and got them the lion cut shave. No knots and cut down on Grayson’s hairballs.



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Re: Knotted Fur On Cats

[ Edited ]

Your vet would think you were neglecting the cat if you took him in there with  big knots in his fur, at least my vet would.. My cat Moe is a long hair and I end up cutting most of his hair off at least once a year. I told him this year, NO MORE, I have one of those furminator grooming tools and he gets brushed with that once or twice a week. So far so good. My cat is 13 and he has not been grooming himself like he used to, although this has been going on for 3 years. I think if you have other cats in the house they groom each other,  I don't want to take on another cat at my age.

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@NickNack wrote:

Henry had a couple of knots that I couldn't brush or comb out.  I had to cut them out.  I am going to start brushing him every day to try to prevent them in the future.  He has a bare spot on his back now.  I feel awful about it.  He has a Vet appt. in two weeks, and I'm embarassed that the Vet will see his bare spot.


He has medium hair.  Why do cats get knots?  Does it mean he isn't grooming himself well enough?  The knots were on his back.  He's about a year and a half old.

Our cat too gets knots and my husband cuts them out and leaves bald spots.  Fortunately the fur grew back just fine.  I told my husband that a vet would think we were abusing her but after reading the other reply that doesn't seem to be the case at all. I fear though that he may one day cut too close to the skin and nick her so I've asked him to stop and let the vet do it  @NickNack

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@NickNack I forgot to add that Grayson rolls around on his back a lot and his hair is fine so that may be why he gets knots.

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Thanks for the feedback @puttypiesmom @blackhole99 @OKPrincess and @Love my grandkids.  I'm glad I'm not the only one.  Henry has never ever run from me before, and he just ran from me when I came near him.  I could just cry over this.  I will definitely start brushing him every day.


He does enjoy being brushed, but he doesn't like to have the knots cut out.  I'll have to have the Vet check and make sure I got them all the way to the top.  She may have to shave a little bit.  I hate that I let this happen.  I think lovemygrands may be right and Henry can't reach that spot on his back.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@OKPrincess  Grayson is a beautiful cat!

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack wrote:

@OKPrincess  Grayson is a beautiful cat!

Thank you. He’s 10 yrs old. The picture was taken in July right after he was shaved and teeth cleaned.

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What works for me is taking "Killa" to Petsmart every spring.









No more hairballs or shedding (which he does all yr round if unshaved).

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
