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Two days ago the woman I sit next to at work came over to me to show me a picture on her cell phone. At first I saw a beautiful forest setting then I looked closer at the picture. It was a picture of a dead deer that her son shot. I immediately said I do NOT want to see a picture of a dead deer. She said in a very snippy voice, "Oh you need to just get over it". Being the outspoken person I have become, I said no I do not need to get over it and I do not wish to see a picture of the dead deer. She has not looked at me or said one word since Thursday. Believe me, this is a blessing. Why would she even think I would want to see that picture?

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I do understand what you are saying as it might actually make someone feel sick if they see a picture of a dead deer. I wonder though if she feels that you were condescending when you responded to her? Maybe that is why she reacted in this way.  

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Good for you, I wouldn't want to see it either . I live in a small town and every so often you can

open the morning paper and see a grinning hunter next to  a dead deer or turkey. I'ts their

right to hunt, but I don'r care to look at their kill.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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@Suzy CurlyQ wrote:

I do understand what you are saying as it might actually make someone feel sick if they see a picture of a dead deer. I wonder though if she feels that you were condescending when you responded to her? Maybe that is why she reacted in this way.  

Hi Suzy CurlyQ, I think she responded that way because I didn't say oh what a great picture. She is the "bully" at work and I stood my ground and spoke my mind. Smiley Happy

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I think it was a bit presumptuous of her to assume that you'd be oohing and ahhing over a photo like that, unless you are also a hunter (which it seems you are not). I'm thinking that she was proud of her son's "triumph" for lack of a better thought.


I know various people that hunt - and they do use the meat for food - that have shared their photos with me. I don't like seeing photos like that either.

I must inject a bit of humor into my response because nobody got offended and other conversation carries on.


It would be nice if she made some kind of effort to resolve the tension that must now exist between the two of you.


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I wouldn't be happy, if a coworker (or anyone) thought I'd want to see a photo of a dead animal.  I'd also make it quite clear that I was not interested!  If that offended the person, so be it.  I'd be offended, if he/she tried to insist I look at it or showed it to me without some warning beforehand.


I'm well aware of hunting practices.  I don't need to see the results.


In the OP's case, it's the coworker who owes her an apology for presuming so much.

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The bottom line is....she should have been more mindful about the sensitivities of others at the topic at hand....hunting and should have asked you first if she could show you the picture.   Believe me, I wouldn't want to see the picture either. 
IMO, your response was a natural knee jerk reaction upon the surprise of seeing the photo.   Your co-worker sounds like an angry person by nature and typically on the defensive.  It has been my experience that those who look to be offended are usually not disappointed.
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To me it sounds as if both have over reacted. I can see how many would be sensitive to those type of pictures, however was she aware of this before hand? She may have only wanted to share what she thought was a good thing and your reaction was a suprise.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Before someone assumes you want to see one of the pictures they have to show, they should tell you what the picture is of. That can be totally upsetting!!

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JerseyGirlNJ wrote:

Suzy CurlyQ wrote:

I do understand what you are saying as it might actually make someone feel sick if they see a picture of a dead deer. I wonder though if she feels that you were condescending when you responded to her? Maybe that is why she reacted in this way.  

Hi Suzy CurlyQ, I think she responded that way because I didn't say oh what a great picture. She is the "bully" at work and I stood my ground and spoke my mind. Smiley Happy


Bravo! I see nothing wrong with the manner in which you reacted nor your reply to that insensitive woman. Had she shown that photo to verbal response would have been a lot stronger and something that I can't post here.



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