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I like all birds.  I have pet birds as well (parakeets).  Crows are extremely intelligent.  The most amazing thing is when they band together to chase away a hunting hawk.  No, they cannot hurt the hawk, but they are annoying, so the hawk will leave.


I am not a farmer, so I cannot complain about crops.  I have bigger dogs, so the crows never come in my yard to bother them or the garden or the other birds.  


I have a bird feeder and I love to see the cardinals, blue jays, sparrows,  mourning doves, etc.  Every year I have robins' nests and cardinals' nests in my yard.  I also have baby woodpeckers learning to fly around my house.


I only see pigeons in the downtown parts of cities.


I believe all animals are marvels of Nature!



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@darkhomespun   Thanks. I've added this to my calendar.  

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I don't hate them, and they aren't as bad as rats.  They do poop a lot on the sidewalk in my neighborhood, and I don't like that too much.  

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@Pook wrote:

The crows used to harass one dog we had.  Often when she was outside and she was just squatting to go they would dive bomb her.  

When I walk with the dog in the morning there are 7 on the roof of our house and they take turns following us as we walk.  Then when we get back home they all line up on the roof.  These crows also sit on the neighbor's roof and seem to watch me when I am outside on my deck.  They leave different objects on the railing all the time - even coins.  




See how tricky they are? They're trying to tempt you into retrieving the 'prize' they left, so they can swoop in and attack you and your dog!

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I absolutely love crows. I have little family that I feed peanuts and cheese every morning. There is a Seagull that hangs out with them for some reason. They never bother my other birds, but they will go after a hawk or an eagle to keep them away from their young. They are sweet birds who love to show off their babies in the Spring!

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A young crow raised in captivity can speak almost exactly like a human. I met one once that I've never been able to forget.


He was in a large nature scaped bird flight, with a bunch of little baubles, beads and trinkets that had been given to him by his owner.


He talked up a storm while showing me his pretties. Many complete sentences, that made sense for what he was doing, not just random words. He was having a good time showing off for me. 


If there's a genius IQ for birds, he had it. I'm telling you ... it was amazing. I loved this bird.

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PBS ran an interesting show several years ago about crows.  They are very smart creatures and recognize faces.


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"My" crows eat from my sumac....and roost in the evergreens.   And, yes, they will bring an occasional trinket!

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@LdyBugz wrote:

PBS ran an interesting show several years ago about crows.  They are very smart creatures and recognize faces.




@LdyBugz   Thank you for posting that link.  That's so interesting that it says they're among the most intelligent animals in the world.  I'm going to try and find that episode and watch it.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Sounds as though maybe we should be treating them with more respect.  They apparently have some cruel habits, just like their more intelligent "superiors", human beings.

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