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If you love Crows

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At the Central Library. In Rochester, NY. Free upcoming program on the beautiful and smart Crow. 
Through the Eyes and Lives of Crows: Opportunities and Challenges of a “Urbanizing” World
Free Zoom program Thursday, May 5, 2022 / 6:00pm - 7:30pm / Anne B. Clark
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I absolutely HATE crows, and use anything I can to scare them off!


They're incredible bullies to every other bird around here, especially my sweet bluebirds that nest in our boxes every year and I actually watch them harass red tailed hawks here too.


We call 'em 'rats with wings'.



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Re: If you love Crows

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@KingstonsMom   That's how I feel about pigeons.They are dirty disease carrying distructive sky rats that ruin roof tops and cars and in my area they are a problem for pest control companies .

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Crows have the intelligence of most 7-year-old children.

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@Sugipine wrote:

Crows have the intelligence of most 7-year-old children.



That's why they're so destructive and can sneak up on other birds/animals.


They're also nest raiders and will eat other bird's eggs/babies.

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Little terrors I call them. @KingstonsMom 

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Three crows roosting in one of my trees on sunny afternoon. Neighbor's cat comes over and lays under the tree and the next thing I saw was one of the crows fly down on the yard, several feet from the cat, and was acting wounded and then played dead. Cat got up to go and see the crow up close, looked like the bird was dead but then the other two crows swooped down on the cat and was bombarding it, scaring the kwap out of the poor thing. To me the whole thing played out like bully session seen on a movie or something. I could almost hear the crows 'laughing'.

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@darkhomespun  They are the bane of some gardeners' existence. They will eat the newly planted seeds in a garden.I've had to replant entire rows of beans and corn. Sometimes, I sprinkle a granular fertilizer on top of the row of seeds to keep them away. I have seen them pull up corn seedlings to get what's left at the bottom of the plant.They go after smaller birds and even chickens. Not a fan.

That being said, one of my favorite poems is Robert Frost's "Dust of Snow."


The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
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@Sugipine   When we were staying at an RV Park in Canada, I saw Magpies tease A cat like that.  The poor cat was tethered and couldn't get away


I associate crows with being in high altitudes because that where I've usually heard them.  I hear a few around my house at 6,000 ft but notice more higher.  Strange, because I know they're everywhere.  Since I love the mountauns, I like to hear them.

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The crows used to harass one dog we had.  Often when she was outside and she was just squatting to go they would dive bomb her.  

When I walk with the dog in the morning there are 7 on the roof of our house and they take turns following us as we walk.  Then when we get back home they all line up on the roof.  These crows also sit on the neighbor's roof and seem to watch me when I am outside on my deck.  They leave different objects on the railing all the time - even coins.