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Crows are extraordinary animals.  They gather and squawk in front of my house in the afternoon.  My husband and I take trikes out of the garage and while peddling on the community streets they fly overhead and often swoop in front of me to remind me they are above.  It is an amazing event that I look forward to.  They have brought me treasures in the back yard.  They always make their presence known.  I could tell amazing stories about my crows.  


I never expected this and the way my interactions with these amazing birds began is like something out of a Harry Potter tale.  I have seen them protect their tribe when threatened.  They select a mate and bond for life. They know human faces and remember kindness as well as cruelty.  Very unique, intelligent, and special animals.

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@NickNack  I found it on Youtube for you:


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@LdyBugz wrote:

@NickNack  I found it on Youtube for you:




@LdyBugz   Thank you.  I found it, too, and saved it.  I will watch it on You Tube TV.  I may watch it today.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: If you love Crows

[ Edited ]

I like crows from my interactions with them.  They were forced out of an adjoining neighborhood when the woods were cut down to build townhouses. I had a family of them visit my yard which had a birdbath.  I began feeding peanuts to what I believed to be the mother.  She would wait for me on a branch everyday for her peanuts.  She began to come on walks with me.  She would walk beside me along the sidewalk.  Sometimes she would fly tree-to-tree.  We formed a bond. 


This was during the time of West Nile Virus.  One day I looked out my window and saw her sitting the birdbath, obviously ill.  I felt so bad for her.  Her crow family stayed with her.  I was inside when I began hearing them all shrieking.  She had fallen to the ground and died.  The crows were carrying on very loudly, mourning her loss.  I felt honored that she chose my yard in which to die, a place where she felt safe.  I learned a lot about them from that experience and I will never forget her. 


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@cotton4me   That's so sad that she got sick and died.  It's an amazing story of your bond with her and how her flock mourned her.  Thank you for sharing.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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That bird in the picture is NOT  a crow.  That is a Raven/aka blackbird.  A crow has a yellow beak.

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@Imaoldhippie wrote:

That bird in the picture is NOT  a crow.  That is a Raven/aka blackbird.  A crow has a yellow beak.


That is definitely a crow.  They do have black beaks.  The Raven has a thicker beak that bends downward.  


Here's some additional info.  


"It is always claimed that birds in the crow family have yellow beaks. This is probably down to a confusion involving the blackbird. They are not ravens or crows, but a kind of thrush." 

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If you're kind to them, they will return it. If you harass them, don't  complain if they return that as well.

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I'm not a fan but certainly don't hate them.  A few summer's ago I watched as a bunch of smaller birds tried to distract a crow from grabbing a fledgling on my back lawn. It didn't work and the crow finally flew off with the unlucky baby dangling from his beak.  


When my brother was a teenager, he wanted to sleep late on Saturday mornings and crows would always hang around near his bedroom window, making so much noise he couldn't sleep.  He'd throw up the window, lean out and yell some select words at them. When that stopped working, he got out his gun. 


Gotta love living in the country, I guess. 

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I don't know if I actually like crows, but they really are smart. A while ago I heard a big, loud commotion and it was a "murder" of crows screaming and yelling at and driving off a bunch of eagles.

There's also a local crow that greets me every morning with a friendly though harsh "caw! caw! caw!" I return the greeting; we go back and forth till we're done, till the next morning. I really enjoy it.