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Wow, he's beautiful ❤️  Congratulations on your new LOVE.

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He's really beautiful!  I'm so glad you adopted him.  Thank you for posting his picture.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Kirby- ruler of the universe.jpg


Oh, he's a handsome ginger boy! Heart Welcome home Monty, from one ginger boy to another.  Cat Happy

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@JudyL, Monty is a handsome boy! And he looks very comfortable and at ease in his new home. Yay that you tow found each other!

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@JudyL- Just adding my congratulations to everyone else's!  Smiley Happy


I wish you lots of love and companionship with Monty; he's beautiful.  I can't imagine my life without at least one cat in it (I currently have four).  It always amazes me that these beautiful creatures allow us to share their lives.

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Congratulations for adopting Monty! He is beautiful. I take care of two community kitties; a male orange tabby named Garfield and a black female named Klunk. I considered them mine, although they are not adopted officially. They are fixed.


Since last week, I been taking care of three kittens; a gray tabby which I named Usagi ( he was named Irma, thinking that he was a girl) ; a calico named April and a male tuxedo named Spike ( he is currently inside my house and he is the youngest of the kittens) I want  to look for good homes for them. They are so sweet. They need to be fixed. And today, a black kitten showed up. He remind me of Klunk's three beautiful boys. Her sons Leo and Raph find a home with a lady that we know for years. Unfortunately, Raph passed away. He, like his siblings, was never out of the house. They were indoor kittens. And Klunk's other kittens: son Donny and daughter Mikey ( I didn't know she was a female, until she and her brothers were fixed) went to Atlanta. That happened in 2012. They are 5 years old now and I still missing them.

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He is a real beauty! Such expressive eyes! Congrats!!


(We adopted ours in March - a 4 year-old gray and white tabby. Cats bring such joy into a home - have fun with Monty!)

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@JudyL so how did you and Monty do on your first day back at work?  I bet you were both so happy to see each other! . . . Heart

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@momtochloe  I was counting the minutes until I could leave and go home.  Then BART (our subway) couldn't move fast enough.  LOL  Think me being gone all day was a bit confusing to Monty as it took him a while to come out of the room but we played with his cat dancer toy and after a while he came and sat next to me while I watched tv.  Its going to take both of us a few days to get used to the new routine.  Thanks for asking!

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I'm adding a welcome from another ginger beauty, my rescue kitty Lily. 😃IMG_20170620_183159.jpg