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Re: I need advice, we're new at this...

@gulf coast girl wrote:

We have a new dog, she's my first dog ever, my husband had dogs as a kid but not in the last 35 years or so. What do we do when it's raining outside, you know when eventually they need to pee? The dog is around 2 years old and we've only had her 4 days.

@gulf coast girl   I've had dogs all my life and the most important thing to establish is that teach them a key phrase like "Go Potty" or "Do your stuff". They learn that means no sniffing around & taking their time while both of you get soaked or freeze in cold weather. They're their for a purpose. 


It also helps to establish a small area that they always go to for potty break for when you aren't going for their regular walk. 


Congrats on your pup and all the love you'll give each other.

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Re: I need advice, we're new at this...

@gulf coast girl And please do get her chipped if she isn't already. Best way to get her home if she ever gets loose!

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Posts: 506
Registered: ‎05-07-2015

Re: I need advice, we're new at this...

Congratulations to you and your husband on your new family member. I had a German sheoerd, Max, who lived almost 15 years. He was the best dog ever. Normally we would let him out in the backyard to do his business. When it was raining I walked him out with an umbrella and kept him as dry as I could. The advice to say "go potty" is an excellent suggestion. She's going to catch onto to that quickly whether or not she has heard it before. They're very smart! Please get Ruby chipped asap. Enjoy her! Your very lucky and I love her name!

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Registered: ‎12-17-2021

Re: I need advice, we're new at this...

why, why, WHY do people adopt animals without a clue about how to take care of them? I understand taking in a rescue or a stray and needing help in learning how to care for it. But if you know you're going to adopt, buy a book, a video, or talk to a vet. You don't want to end up breaking its heart because you didn't do your homework and have to re-home it.

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Registered: ‎12-17-2021

Re: I need advice, we're new at this...

@gulf coast girl wrote:

She was given to us because the family already had 3 other dogs, they weren't getting along, some of them would rough each other up, she ended up with a couple wounds on her ear and one paw.  So they let us take her...oh my I love this dog so much. It's a german sheperd and she's beautiful. 


Well bless your heart for giving this dog a new home, now that I know the circumstances. Be SURE to to get her to a vet for a check-up, any needed vaccinations, and advice. Vets are usually glad to help you integrate the best breed in the world--the German Shepherd--into you family.

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Posts: 580
Registered: ‎12-17-2021

Re: I need advice, we're new at this...

Hi there. I was just re-reading this post and wondering how your doggie is?

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎09-22-2017

Re: I need advice, we're new at this...

@gulf coast girl  Congratulations and welcome home Ruby!

