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I Just Got a New Dog!

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But, he won't stop licking my face.  He LOVES Dimitri's Radiance.  LOL!

Seriously, I'm not sure if I should allow him to keep licking the cream off my face.  Is it safe?  Being a beauty junkie, I'm thinking maybe I should break him of that habit pronto.   Should I?  Or will he feel rejected?

My other dog never did that.  Hmmm ...?

When I started eating, I thought, "Ugh!  I forgot to wipe off my mouth.  My  lips taste & smell like his breath.  Woman Embarassed

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Congratulations on the dog!!! I personally believe you should let him or her lick all they want! He obviously loves you and wants to show affection. Enjoy!!!

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I've owned dogs all of my life and consider myself a pretty good dog person. I would NEVER let a dog lick my face. Not only is it pretty unhygenic-it's a dominance thing. If you let a dog lick your face, paw you, nudge you with a toy, or make you do something-he/she is exerting dominance. You need to be the pack leader.

This can manifest itself in lots of undeirable behaviors, including separation anxiety. If the dog feels that he/she is the pack leader-and a subordinate member of the pack leaves without their permission, (you going to work, for instance)-they don't understand.

Read up on dog behavior. Especially if this dog has come from a bad home situation. Good luck!


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Re: I Just Got a New Dog!

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@Lacey1 wrote:

If you let a dog lick your face, paw you, nudge you with a toy, or make you do something-he/she is exerting dominance. You need to be the pack leader.

This can manifest itself in lots of undeirable behaviors, including separation anxiety. If the dog feels that he/she is the pack leader-and a subordinate member of the pack leaves without their permission, (you going to work, for instance)-they don't understand.

Read up on dog behavior. Especially if this dog has come from a bad home situation. Good luck!




Oh noooo!  Everytime I move, he bolts up*.  HE won't let me out of his sight.   I thought that was separation anxiety ... as opposed to "dominance".  You're right about the licking being unsanitary.  He just finished cleaning his private parts.  (his breath smells too. LOL!)

BTW, I thought male dogs had their b@((s removed when they were neutered.  Is that not true?


*I dunno .. maybe he's nervous.  I just brought him home a few hours ago.

He was returned to the Rescue by two different owners.

I need to look at his papers and see if they specify why.  Thanks!



"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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A dog licking a face can mean any one of several things, from dominance to submission.


Having time without a dog could have been a great time to fine tune your knowledge about this kind of thing.  A lot of posters on your other thread had given you this good advice.  I know it's hard to wait.



[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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OMG!  My cat just ATTACKED the dog!  This is terrible!

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Well, separate them and read about introducing new pets to each other.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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@GingerPeach wrote:

Well, separate them and read about introducing new pets to each other.


Okay, I will.  That was scary!  Wheww!!


"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: I Just Got a New Dog!

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I've had a lot of dogs in my 81 years, and they all licked - but I preferred to keep my face free of "stuff" when I worked with them.  I don't know of any cosmetic products that are recommended for consumption by dogs or humans.  


Seems to me that the pup is so grateful to have been chosen for a home that he is overcome with the joy of belonging and wants to show his affection for the person who rescued him.  I'd say wash your face and enjoy the love you are already receiving from a new pet.  You should feel blessed!  And keep that cat in line. It should not be allowed to attack another animal - dog or cat or whatever. Don't let it claw your pup's eyes!


P.S.  We have an English gentleman on our block who  is a certified dog trainer, and he assures me that your dog is showing gratitude and affection; and don't worry about the "dominance" idea.  He says let him lick and know that you have a new best friend.

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@RinaRina wrote:

@GingerPeach wrote:

Well, separate them and read about introducing new pets to each other.


Okay, I will.  That was scary!  Wheww!!




It all happened so fast.   I was on the phone with the Pet Insurance lady.  I was looking at both of them while I was talking.  The dog was lying on the floor dozing and the cat was in the recliner sleeping. They looked so cute!!   The dog slowly got up, put his paw on the recliner and all #+(L broke lose.


"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."