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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

I forgto to add that my best friend gives her dogs weird names.


She (unfortunately) let's her husband name their dogs.  They're usually named after beverages.  No, not names like beer, etc.


One dog was named Cola (because she looks like Pepsi Cola).


There have been other weird names but the one she has now (puppy) she just got she named (are you ready) "Coffee"  Yes!  But that would be coffee with cream because the dog is a very light colored lab (very light).


I told her the next dog she should name.

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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

[ Edited ]

The last cat late DH and I adopted from Petsmart (all our cats were rescues) was a darling tuxedo girl. DH said that since she was a girl that I should choose the name. I chose Abbie as I've always admired and read a lot about Abigail Adams.

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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

@ChiliPepper wrote:

I don't remember if we've discussed this or not - not for a while anyways.


How do/did you decide on a name for your pet?


Did they come with one & you kept it? Or change it?


Do you pick a name you like or wait until you see their personality & then decide?


Do you use their given name but find you give them a nick name?


My daughter named each of our three cats.


Our big boys name is "Tiger" (original I know!) but we call him "Bubba" - because he's just a "Bubba" LOL!


Our first girl is "Dusty" because she is white & dusty grey but we call her "Sis" or "Sissy" from the song "Sister Golden Hair Surprise" which makes absolutely no sense I know. Nether does singing the song to her every time it comes on the radio. Sad I know LOL!


Our little girl is "Tater Tot" but we call her "Tate" or "Poop/Poopey" which makes no sense either but she looks at me with loving eyes when I say it!


How do you decide?

I bought a box of Taffy at the seashore, got her the next day, and she became Taffy. Lived to be 14 years old, was an American Cocker spaniel.

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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

I have two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.  They are my angels.  I named them after the angels.


My Black and Tan girl is called Cherubim. ( Cherri)   Cherubim angels give glory to God and and they are the 2nd highest ranking angels.  I thank God every night in my prayers for this sweet, wonderful companion.


I also have a ruby girl.  She is called Seraphim. ( Sera or Fenie) Seraphim angles stand on each side of God's throne and are glowing as if they are on fire. They are the highest ranking angels.    I gave her that name because she is red colored, but she is a spitfire for sure.  Her name suites her perfectly.


I feel blessed and I am thankful that I have these beautiful girls. 

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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

We adopted our beagle when she was three years old. She had already been named Maddie so we stayed with that. However, being a Francophile, I made her full name Madeleine. Her middle name is Pamela, after our first three beagles, Penny, Allie, and Muffin, PAM.

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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

Puns usually play into it.


The canary was named:  Harry Canary


I wanted to name our Basset Hound: Angela

(Angela Basset)  the guys didn't "get it" so it was vetoed



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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

I like people names for my pets and just come up with names that I like.  Right now I have my dog, Frankie, and my cat, Henry.  Frankie is a girl.  I have known two females named Frankie, so to me it can be either a girl's name or boy's name.  Everybody thinks she's a boy, so I probably should have named her something else.


My first cat was named after my grandmother, who I called Mimi.  I loved her so much and liked the name a lot and named her after my grandmother.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

I have had so many pets but here goes on my present pets; Halo, I choose because I lost my 2 Shelties within 8 days of each other. I found Halo and she is my gift from God given to me during a very difficult time.  Because she is my little angel, I names her Halo.   Abby, I just chose because it fit her personality. There is only 1 Abby in my opinion LOL. Chance, was given to me by people who were going to take him for a 4th time to a shelter. He is a sweet little bi -blue Sheltie and his name was Soldier. I did not like that name so I changed it to Chance. I have had him 5 years now and I am not giving him up. Then I have 3 rescue parrots. Dudley, Squeaky, and Booker all came with those names and I kept them. I purchased my parrot, Kiwi,  as a baby and she has the colors of a Kiwi fruit and that is how she got her name. 

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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

@KingstonsMom  What a beauty, and he certainly is one strong boy! Bless his precious heart and soul!

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Re: How did you choose your pet's names?

     My Daddy was overseas during WW2 he would write letters and draw pictures for me. He called me Butch, which my Mother hated because It didn’t fit a girl. He promised me a puppy when he returned.

     When Daddy came home I remember his sailor suit and shoes. I was 3. I asked him where the puppy was. He said we will get one soon.

      I remember red Cocker Spaniel puppies on a porch and one pulled his shoestring. He was the one she named Butch. 

     Butch Boy lived to be about 17 and was a great dog!

      My older Jack Russell is Krypto after Superman’s dog because my son owns a comic shop.

     My adopted Jack Russell is Snickers because that was her name, it fit her and she wasn’t a year old when I got her. She is a typical Jack Russell and the lady couldn’t handle her. She’s a great watchdog!