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Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

@Imaoldhippie Aw, I'm so sorry about your Holly.  That is such a hard decision to have to make.  My heart goes out to you,  🌷😢

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Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

@Imaoldhippie      I share your pain, and am sending you an e-hug.   di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

@Imaoldhippie , I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Holly. Keep in your heart all the love she gave you and the love you gave her. It's always a terrible decision to make, but the right one as we don't want our babies to suffer. I believe we all meet again.

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Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

I'm so sorry.  It is so hard to lose a pet, which most of the time is like a member of the family.



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Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday


So very sorry for your loss!  I remember like it was yesterday when DH and I went through this, so I am sending you all my sympathy.  It is a terrible thing to go through.  You feel like your heart is breaking.  You did the right thing, even though you question yourself.  Miss Holly had a wonderful life with you and was grateful for all your love and the last act of kindness and love that you gave to her.  Blessings.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

Rest In Peace Sweet Holly.  You did the right thing for your precious girl.  Bless you.  Hugs.

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Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

@Imaoldhippie, I am so very sorry for the loss of your darling pup.  You gave Molly a wonderful life and then your final gift of love.  Letting her go to the Rainbow Bridge when it was her time.  My heart breaks for you, having this experience so many times.  Please know some day you will be together with Molly again.  All my best, Pam

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Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

So very sorry for your devastating loss.  Miss Holly is young and healthy now, happily playing in Heaven while watching over her mommy.Heart

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Registered: ‎06-25-2014

Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

my heart is breaking for you.  i am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved holly.  and i pray for some comfort for you, @Imaoldhippie 

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎06-21-2010

Re: Holly passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday

Your post about Holly brought tears to my eyes.  People who have never loved a pet do not understand the depth of our love for the pets who share our lives.  I hope your grief will be tempered soon by memories of the joy Holly brought to you.  Prayers continue for you....